Natalia Tomashenko
LST ( Le Mans )
Research Activities:
Corpus : TED-LIUM Release 3
Natalia Tomashenko has now left LIUM.
[1] | Natalia Tomashenko, Xin Wang, Xiaoxiao Miao, Hubert Nourtel, Pierre Champion, et al.. The VoicePrivacy 2022 Challenge Evaluation Plan. 2022. & <hal-03623516> |
[2] | Anthony Larcher, Yannick Estève, Mickael Rouvier, Natalia Tomashenko, Jarod Duret, et al.. Multi-lingual Speech to Speech Translation for Under-Resourced Languages. Le Mans Université. 2022. <hal-04176910> |
[3] | Hang Le, Florentin Barbier, Ha Nguyen, Natalia Tomashenko, Salima Mdhaffar, et al.. ON-TRAC' systems for the IWSLT 2021 low-resource speech translation and multilingual speech translation shared tasks. International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Aug 2021, Bangkok (virtual), Thailand. ⟨10.18653/v1/2021.iwslt-1.20⟩. & <hal-03298854> |
[4] | Ha Nguyen, Fethi Bougares, Natalia Tomashenko, Yannick Estève, Laurent Besacier. Investigating Self-supervised Pre-training for End-to-end Speech Translation. Interspeech 2020, Oct 2020, Shangai (Virtual Conf), China. <hal-02962186> |
[5] | Maha Elbayad, Ha Nguyen, Fethi Bougares, Natalia Tomashenko, Antoine Caubrière, et al.. ON-TRAC Consortium for End-to-End and Simultaneous Speech Translation Challenge Tasks at IWSLT 2020. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation, Jul 2020, Seattle, WA, United States. pp.35-43, ⟨10.18653/v1/2020.iwslt-1.2⟩. <hal-02895893> |
[6] | Antoine Caubrière, Sahar Ghannay, Natalia Tomashenko, Renato de Mori, Antoine Laurent, et al.. Error analysis applied to end-to end spoken language understanding. 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), May 2020, Barcelona, Spain. pp.8514-8518, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9054455⟩. <hal-02465899> |
[7] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yuri Khokhlov, Yannick Estève. Exploring Gaussian mixture model framework for speaker adaptation of deep neural network acoustic models. 2020. <hal-02551714> |
[8] | Natalia Tomashenko, Christian Raymond, Antoine Caubrière, Renato de Mori, Yannick Estève. Dialogue History Integration into End-to-End Signal-to-Concept Spoken Language Understanding Systems. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Apr 2020, Barcelona, Spain. pp.5, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053247⟩. <hal-02551760> |
[9] | Manh Ha Nguyen, Natalia Tomashenko, Marcely Zanon Boito, Antoine Caubrière, Fethi Bougares, et al.. ON-TRAC Consortium End-to-End Speech Translation Systems for the IWSLT 2019 Shared Task. 16th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation 2019, Nov 2019, Hong Kong, China. <hal-02352949> |
[10] | Natalia Tomashenko, Antoine Caubrière, Yannick Estève, Antoine Laurent, Emmanuel Morin. Recent Advances in End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding. 7th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP), Oct 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-31372-2_4⟩. <hal-02353011> |
[11] | Antoine Caubrière, Natalia Tomashenko, Antoine Laurent, Emmanuel Morin, Nathalie Camelin, et al.. Curriculum-based transfer learning for an effective end-to-end spoken language understanding and domain portability. 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech), Sep 2019, Graz, Austria. pp.1198-1202, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2019-1832⟩. <hal-02304597> |
[12] | Natalia Tomashenko, Antoine Caubrière, Yannick Estève. Investigating Adaptation and Transfer Learning for End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding from Speech. Interspeech 2019, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria. pp.824-828, ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2019-2158⟩. <hal-02307811> |
[13] | Antoine Caubrière, Natalia Tomashenko, Yannick Estève, Antoine Laurent, Emmanuel Morin. Curriculum d'apprentissage : reconnaissance d'entités nommées pour l'extraction de concepts sémantiques. 26e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Jul 2019, Toulouse, France. <hal-02304614> |
[14] | Ivan Medennikov, Yuri Khokhlov, Aleksei Romanenko, Dmitry Popov, Natalia Tomashenko, et al.. An Investigation of Mixup Training Strategies for Acoustic Models in ASR. Interspeech 2018, Sep 2018, Hyderabad, India. ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2018-2191⟩. <hal-01876337> |
[15] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yuri Khokhlov, Yannick Estève. Speaker Adaptive Training and Mixup Regularization for Neural Network Acoustic Models in Automatic Speech Recognition. Interspeech 2018, Sep 2018, Hyderabad, India. ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2018-2209⟩. <hal-01870865> |
[16] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yannick Estève. Impact des techniques d'adaptation au locuteur dans l'espace des paramètres pour des modèles acoustiques purement neuronaux. XXXIIe Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Jun 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France. <hal-01757772> |
[17] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yannick Estève. Evaluation of Feature-Space Speaker Adaptation for End-to-End Acoustic Models. LREC 2018, May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. <hal-01728526> |
[18] | Natalia Tomashenko. Speaker adaptation of deep neural network acoustic models using Gaussian mixture model framework in automatic speech recognition systems. Neural and Evolutionary Computing [cs.NE]. Le Mans Université; ITMO University, 2017. English. ⟨NNT : 2017LEMA1040⟩. <tel-01797231> |
[19] | Yuri Khokhlov, Natalia Tomashenko, Ivan Medennikov, Alexei Romanenko. Fast and Accurate OOV Decoder on High-Level Features. INTERSPEECH 2017, Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2017-1367⟩. <hal-01681375> |
[20] | Natalia Tomashenko, Kévin Vythelingum, Anthony Rousseau, Yannick Estève. LIUM ASR systems for the 2016 Multi-Genre Broadcast Arabic Challenge. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Dec 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, United States. ⟨10.1109/SLT.2016.7846278⟩. <hal-01433188> |
[21] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yuri Khokhlov, Anthony Larcher, Yannick Estève. Exploring GMM-derived Features for Unsupervised Adaptation of Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models. 18th International Conference on Speech and Computer, 2016, Budapest, Hungary. <hal-01433184> |
[22] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yuri Khokhlov, Anthony Larcher, Yannick Estève. Exploration de paramètres acoustiques dérivés de GMMs pour l'adaptation non supervisée de modèles acoustiques à base de réseaux de neurones profonds. Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP'16), 2016, Paris, France. <hal-01456899> |
[23] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yuri Khokhlov, Yannick Estève. On the Use of Gaussian Mixture Model Framework to Improve Speaker Adaptation of Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models. Interspeech 2016, 2016, San Francisco (CA, USA), Unknown Region. <hal-01433178> |
[24] | Natalia Tomashenko, Yuri Khokhlov, Yannick Estève. A New Perspective on Combining GMM and DNN Frameworks for Speaker Adaptation. 4th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing - SLSP 2016, 2016, Pilsen, Czech Republic. <hal-01433182> |