Offre stage M2 : Construction de Sound Zones par apprentissage automatique sur un large jeu de données

Constructing Sound Zones using machine learning on a large dataset Supervsisors : Théo Mariotte (LIUM), Manuel Melon (LAUM), Marie Tahon (LIUM) Host Laboratory: Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université du Mans (LIUM) – Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans (LAUM). Location : Le Mans Université Beginning of internship: Between January and March 2025 Contact : Théo Mariotte, […]


LST day   The LST team day is being held on 17 October. On this occasion, the young and more experienced researchers present their research themes. There will also be a presentation on European projects by Hélène Dereszowski from DRIS. This year, 3 workshops will focus on the following themes: 1. Spoof diarization audiovisuel 2. […]


Corpus: Kurdish TED (KUTED)Licence: CreativeCommons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.URL: Mohammad MohammadaminiAntoine LaurentDescription Kurdish TED (KUTED) is the first Speech-to-Text-Translation (S2TT) dataset for the Central Kurdish language derived from TED Talks and TEDx. The corpus consists of 91,000 pairs, encompassing 170 hours of English audio, 1.65 million English tokens, and 1.40 million Central Kurdish […]

Offre stage M2 : Études des systèmes automatiques de traduction vocale

Speech Translation System – Low-resource Languages to High-resource Languages   Supervisors: Aghilas Sini (LIUM), Jane Wottawa (LIUM) Hosting lab: LIUM (Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université du Mans) Place: Le Mans Université Beginning of internship : March 2024 Contacts: Aghilas Sini and Jane Wottawa, ( Application: Send a CV, a covering letter relevant to the proposed subject, […]

Lightweight CNNs for Face Recognition Applications

Seminar from Heydi Méndez Vázquez, researcher at CENATAV   Date: 09/10/2024 Time: 11h00 Place: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Heydi Méndez Vázquez     Lightweight CNNs for Face Recognition Applications   Face recognition (FR) is an active research topic in computer vision and image understanding. It is one of the most used and extended biometric techniques. The […]

Natacha Miniconi

Optimizing Human Intervention for Synthetic Speech Quality Evaluation: Active Learning for AdaptabilityStarting: 01/10/2024PhD Student: Natacha MiniconiAdvisor(s): Anthony LarcherCo-advisor(s): Meysam ShamsiFunding: Region TandemContext: The primary objective of Text-to-Speech (TTS), speech conversion and speech to speech translation system is to synthesize or generate a high-quality speech signal. Typically, the quality of synthetic speech is subjectively evaluated by […]


Multilingual Multimodal Voice Translation – Expressive (TV2M-E)Date: 06/2024 – 06/2026Funding: Région Pays de la LoireCall: PULSARURL: Participant(s): Aghilas SiniSummary A bilingual or polyglot speaker has the ability to communicate coherently in several languages, adapting to different contexts. Transferring this skill to machines could contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage by maintaining less privileged […]

Trustworthy, explainable, interpretable… what can we expect for speech processing?

Seminar from Anthony Larcher, Professor at LIUM   Date: 02/07/2024 Time: 10h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Anthony Larcher     Trustworthy, explainable, interpretable… what can we expect for speech processing?   Improvements in the performance of automated systems have led to the widespread commercial deployment of applications that are still poorly understood. To ensure the […]

Soutenance de thèse : Thibault Prouteau

PhD defence, Thibault Prouteau Date : 03/07/2024 Time : 14h00 Location : Le Mans Université; IC2 buiding Auditorium   Title: Graphs, Words, and Communities: Converging Paths to Interpretability with a Frugal Embedding Framework   Jury members : Vincent LABATUT, Assistant Professor, Université d’Avignon, Reviewer Christine LARGERON, Professor, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, Reviewer Cécile BOTHOREL, Assistant […]

Enrichir la représentation acoustique pour les langues faiblement dotées

Seminar from Yannick Yomie Nzeuhang, PhD student at Université Yaoundé 1 and ESPERANTO secondee at LIUM   Date: 21/06/2024 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Yannick Yomie Nzeuhang     Enriching acoustic representation for for LRL(Low resources Languages)   A popular approach in the literature for tackling the task of speech recognition for low-resource languages […]