Corpus: ALLIES (Corpus ALLIES)Author(s): Anthony LarcherMartin LebourdaisMarie TahonDescription The ALLIES Corpus was produced within the European CHIST-Era project ALLIES. The ALLIES project enabled to carry out a campaign for the evaluation of Broadcast News across time diarization systems using French data. This project is an extension of the previous ESTER, REPERE and ETAPE evaluation campaigns […]

Annotation et classification automatique de la terminalité pour la description des interruptions dans les contenus de médias audiovisuels

Seminar from Aghilas Sini (LIUM)   Date: 24/01/2024 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Rémi Uro     Automatic annotation and classification of terminology for the description of interruptions in audiovisual media content   In order to better understand the mechanisms involved in managing speaking turns and interruptions in audiovisual media content, an annotation was […]

Valentin Pelloin

PhD defence, Valentin Pelloin Date : 24/01/2024 Time : 9h30 Location : Le Mans Université; IC2 buiding Auditorium   Title: Spoken language understanding in human-computer dialogue systems in the era of pre-trained models   Jury members : Christophe CERISARA, Researcher, LORIA, Nancy, Reviewer Benoit FAVRE, Professor, LIS, Marseille, Reviewer Géraldine DAMNATI, Research Engineer, Orange Labs, […]

When neural speech technologies encounter non-conventional data: A discussion on speech recognition and speech synthesis

Seminar from Aghilas Sini (LIUM)   Date: 19/01/2024 Time: 10h15 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Aghilas Sini     When neural speech technologies encounter non-conventional data: A discussion on speech recognition and speech synthesis.   Most neural speech technologies are developed using dedicated data recorded under favorable acoustic conditions. This data is instrumental in setting up […]

Offre stage M2 : Évaluation des systèmes de synthèse de la parole dans un environnement bruyant

Evaluation of speech synthesis systems in a noisy environment   Supervisors: Aghilas Sini (LIUM), Thibault Vicente (LAUM) Hosting labs: LIUM (Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université du Mans) and LAUM (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans) Place: Le Mans Université Beginning of internship : March 2024 Contacts: Aghilas Sini and Thibault Vicente, ( Application: Send a CV, […]

Découverte des professions de l’informatique pour les collégiennes

Schoolgirls discover IT professions   As part of their internship, 14 students from L’Epine, J. Baker and C. Gavras collèges in Le Mans, J. Cocteau in Coulaines, A. Pioger in Conlie and G. Desnos from La Ferté Bernard will be discovering the different facets of information technology. Over the course of the week, they will […]

Théo Mariotte

PhD defence, Théo Mariotte Date : 11/01/2024 Time : 14h00 Location : Le Mans Université; IC2 buiding Auditorium   Title: Automatic Speech Processing in Meetings using Microphone Arrays   Jury members : Jan “Honza” Černocký, Professor, Brno University of Technology, Czechia Reviewer Emmanuel Vincent, Research Director, Inria Nancy – Grand Est, France Reviewer Julie Mauclair […]

Offre stage M1 : Intelligence Artificielle pour l’extraction d’informations sémantiques dans la parole

Artificial Intelligence for extracting semantic information from speech   Master 1 internship Supervisors: Nathalie Camelin, Antoine Laurent Contacts: Hosting labs: LIUM (Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université du Mans) Place: Le Mans Université Beginning of internship : April 2024 Application: Send a CV, a covering letter relevant to the proposed subject before December 15, 2023   […]

Félix Saget

Interpretability of pre-trained models for automatic speech processing Starting: 04/12/2023PhD Student: Félix SagetAdvisor(s): Marie TahonCo-advisor(s): Anthony Larcher & Nicolas DuguéFunding: Allocation de recherche du ministère de l’enseignement supérieur Descritpion Avec l’avènement des réseaux de neurones, les travaux en apprentissage automatique se sont éloignés des méthodes traditionnelles qui nécessitaient une grande expertise des données, couramment appelées […]