LT4ALL – Bridging Technology & Linguistic Diversity

international day to raise girls' awareness of scientific and technical careers

Wielfrid MORIE wins the Louis D’Hainaut 2024 prize

Best paper international conference Mobile Learning

Schoolgirls discover IT professions
le LIUM gagne le Trophées du Campus de l’Innovation d’Angers - Le Mans – Prix Transition

Meeting between middle school girls and computer science students
The Computer Science department and Ensim welcomed about fifteen students from the 9th grade, who came to meet the female students of the computer science program, as well as various female teachers and researchers working in this field at ENSIM and the LIUM.

Art and AI

Le LIUM mis à l'honneur par le Mans Innovation

SituLearn dans le courrier de la Mayenne

Innovation pédagogique : le LIUM reçoit un prix international !

Best paper de la conférence internationale GALA

The LIUM gets a new logo

le LIUM sera présent au Digital ON - le festival des cultures numériques

Best poster at ECTEL 2022 conference

dossier EdTech

Risks of the digital and computer environment in education

Artificial intelligence, risks and automatic speech transcription

Researchers from LIUM participates to the JHU Summer School on Human Language Technology et au JSALT workshop

Cycle de webinaires sur l'égalité filles-garçons

"Girls, Maths and Computing: A Smart Equation" Day
On Tuesday 11 January, a day of awareness-raising on gender stereotypes and post-baccalaureate orientation was held for a mixed audience of high school students. This day was organised by the associations Animath and Femmes&Maths.

International day for Girls' Science and Technology Awareness
On Thursday 9 December, the international day to raise awareness among young girls about scientific and technical professions took place. Nathalie Camelin, Nicolas Dugué and Marie Tahon spoke to the students of the Touchard high school in partnership with the association "Elles bougent".

Une nouvelle étoile montante à Le Mans Université

Will living with intelligent machines make the world more fair?
Find the podcast of Anthony Larcher's intervention on France Bleu Maine at this address: https://www.francebleu.fr/emissions/2-minutes-pour-explorer-avec-maine-sciences/maine

Inauguration du UserLab Distribué Pédagogique

The LIUM Human Active Correction Platform for Speaker Diarization
The human assisted speaker diarization platform enables a human annotator to correct the output of any speaker diarization system by providing a graphical view of the diarization segmentation and clustering steps and guiding the human annotator to optimize the correction process and easily improve the resulting diarization.

Best paper award for Thibault Prouteau at IDA
The paper SINr: fast computing of Sparse Interpretable Node Representations is not a sin! recieved the best paper award at the 19th Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2021).
Congrats to Thibault Prouteau, Nicolas Dugué, Nathalie Camelin and Sylvain Meignier!