Journée internationale de sensibilisation des jeunes filles aux métiers scientifiques et techniques

International day for Girls’ Science and Technology Awareness   On Thursday 9 December, the international day to raise awareness among young girls about scientific and technical professions took place. Nathalie Camelin, Nicolas Dugué and Marie Tahon spoke to the students of the Touchard high school in partnership with the association “Elles bougent”. During this afternoon, […]

Extending the study of speech accommodation: the relationship between hypospeech and speakers’ social proximity.

Seminar by Mélanie Lancien, from the university of Lausanne   Date: 03/12/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom, online Speaker: Mélanie Lancien   Extending the study of speech accommodation: the relationship between hypospeech and speakers’ social proximity   In linguistics, work on speech variation, mainly that in line with the H&H (Hyper-Hypoarticulation Theory) and CAT (Communication […]

carrières en recherche

Seminar from Sylvain Meignier   Date: 26/11/2021 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom, online Speaker: Sylvain Meignier   Research Careers   We will discuss the follow-up of a thesis, scientific publication, preparation for qualifications and competitions in higher education and research (University, CNRS, INRIA, etc.)   

Non-Parametric Subspace Models for Acoustic Units Discovery

Seminar from Lucas Ondel, post-doc at l’Université Paris-Saclay   Date: 12/11/2021 Time: 11h30 Localization: IC2, Boardroom, online Speaker: Lucas Ondel   Non-Parametric Subspace Models for Acoustic Units Discovery   This talk will be about subspace non-parametric models for the task of learning a set of acoustic units from unlabeled speech recordings. I will show how […]

Thibault Gaudier

Active learning, interpretation and control for neural synthesis of expressive speechStarting: 01/10/2021PhD Student: Thibault GaudierAdvisor(s): Anthony LarcherCo-advisor(s): Marie Tahon, Yannick Estève (LIA)Funding: Allocation de recherche du Ministère de la RechercheThe main objective of the project is to propose, develop and validate methods that allow to: generate expressive speech from a user-given instruction using either text-to-speech […]

Fête de la Science

The LIUM at national the Science Fair Date: 9 and 10 October, 2021 Time: 10h00 – 18h00 Localization: Le Mans (Abbaye de l’Epau) et Laval (Laval Virtual Center) Le Mans Artificial Intelligences or AI are present in our daily lives. These technologies allow computers to perform complex tasks, such as speech recognition or object detection […]

LST day

LST day   On October 1st, the day of the LST team takes place. On this occasion, researchers – the young and the more experienced – present their research themes.   After the presentation of the team by its leader, Sylvain Meignier, the two research axes, speaker and language, will be introduced by Anthony Larcher […]

Les algorithmes font-ils la loi ?

Séminaire d’Aurélie JEAN Date: 18/10/2021 Heure: 10h30 Lieu: Espace Mayenne, Laval Intervenant: Aurélie JEAN Aurélie Jean nous entraîne dans un nouveau voyage : au cœur de nos institutions juridiques et des algorithmes qui s’y exercent. Comment la loi est-elle pensée et appliquée au temps des algorithmes ? Comment les algorithmes sont-ils utilisés au sein du […]