Ozan Caglayan

Multimodal Neural Machine TranslationStarting: 30/10/2014PhD Student: Ozan CaglayanAdvisor(s): Paul Deléglise (LIUM, LST)Co-advisor(s): Loïc Barrault (LIUM, LST) & Fethi Bougares (LIUM, LST)Funding: M2CR ProjectThis thesis aims at developing neural machine translation architectures by integrating different types of informations to improve the quality of the generated translations. More specifically, we are interested to guide the neural network […]


Event Understanding through Multimodal Social (EUMSSI)Date: 11/2013 – 10/2016Funding: EU FP7Call: ICT-2013.4.1 Content analytics and language technologiesPartners: UPF (Spain), L3S (Germany), VSN (Spain), GFaI (Germany), IDIAP (Switzerland)URL: https://www.eumssi.eu/LIUM Participant(s): Yannick EstèveVincent JousseSylvain MeignierPaul DelégliseNathalie CamelinL’objectif principal de EUMSSI est de développer des technologies d’identification et d’agrégation d’informations non structurées provenant de sources de nature très […]

Abdessalam Bouchekif

Automatic structuring of audio documentsStarting: 01/10/2012PhD Student: Abdessalam BouchekifAdvisor(s): Yannick EstèveCo-advisor(s): Nathalie CamelinFunding: Contrat Orange LabsThe topic structuring is an area that has attracted much attention in the Natural Language Processing community. Indeed, topic structuring is considered as the starting point of several applications such as information retrieval, summarization and topic modeling. In this thesis, […]


AdVanced ERror Analysis for speech recognition (VERA)Date: 01/2013 – 01/2016Funding: ANRCall: BlancPartners: LNE (France), LPP (France), LIMSI (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/vera/LIUM Participant(s): Nathalie CamelinDaniel LuzzatiPaul DelégliseSylvain MeignierYannick EstèveThe VERA project aims at developing tools for diagnostic, localization, and measurements of automatic transcription errors. This project is based on a consortium of first-rate academic actors in this field. […]


Software: Continuous Space Language Model toolkit (CSLM)GitHub: https://git-lium.univ-lemans.fr/barrault/cslmURL: https://git-lium.univ-lemans.fr/barrault/cslm/-/archive/master/cslm-master.tar.gzAuthor(s): Holger SchwenkCSLM toolkit is open-source software which implements the so-called continuous space language model. The basic idea of this approach is to project the word indices onto a continuous space and to use a probability estimator operating on this space. Since the resulting probability functions are […]


Corpus: MANYLicence: GNU GPL v3URL: https://code.google.com/archive/p/many/Many is a MT System Combination software which architecture is described in the following picture :     The combination can be decomposed into three steps 1-Best hypotheses from all M systems are aligned in order to build M confusion networks (one for each system considered as backbone). All cn […]