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Thierry Forest

IEIAH ( Laval )





As a certified teacher of BTS in Computer Services for Organizations, I decided to put my career on hold with a view to contributing to research.
My field of research focuses on Human Learning Environments (HLEs), and mainly on educational games (Serious Games for Education).
My research topic is “Promoting the appropriation of serious games by teachers for learning computational thinking.” I started this research topic on January 1, 2024. Iza Marfisi is directing my thesis and Bertrand Marne is supervising me. I’m part of the Ingénierie des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (IEIAH) team at the Laboratoire Informatique de l’Université du Mans (LIUM), and we are housed on the IUT campus in Laval.
As part of my research, I’m involved in leading the Groupe Thématique Numérique GTnum Forges. The aim of this working group is to bring together teachers and researchers, to address the issue of the use of software forges by all teachers. Our proposal is to design education-oriented interfaces for the forges. The aim is to implement a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to technical development. These interfaces will be designed to promote the sharing and maintenance of free digital commons.

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