Albane Gril

Proposal of an approach for capitalizing on indicators dedicated to a study of the impact of the system for improving the French language, écri+.Starting: 04/01/2021PhD Student: Albane GrilAdvisor(s): Sébastien George Co-advisor(s): Madeth May (LIUM), Valérie Renault (CREN)Funding: PIA Ecri+Contexte de la thèse : Le projet national PIA écri+ est dédié à l’accompagnement des étudiants dans […]

Antoine Caubrière

PhD defence, Antoine Caubrière Date : 29/01/2021 Time : 14h00 Location : IC2 building, LIUM, Le Mans Université, online   Title: From signal to concept: Deep neural networks applied to spoken language understanding Jury members: Ms. Irina ILLINA, Lecturer – HDR, Université de Lorraine – LORIA / INRIA, Reviewer Mr. Benoit FAVRE, Lecturer – HDR, […]

Les learning analytics seraient-elles promises à l’échec ?

Seminar from Rémi Venant, Lecturer at LIUM, team TEL   Date: 22/01/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: video-conference Speaker: Rémi Venant   Are learning analytics doomed to failure?   learning analytics (LA) are undergoing increasing development, and following the COVID-19 pandemic and the forced introduction of large-scale distance learning, it is reasonable to anticipate an acceleration in […]

Amira Barhoumi

PhD defence, Amira Barhoumi Date : 23/11/2020 Time : 10h00 Location : IC2 building, LIUM, Le Mans Université Title : Neural approach for Arabic sentiment analysis Jury members : Reviewers: – Kamel Smaïli Professor, Université de Lorraine, France – Nadia Essoussi Professor, Université de Tunis, Tunisie Examiners: – Emmanuel Morin, Professor, Université de Nantes, France […]

Meysam Shamsi

PhD defence; Script optimization for TTS voice corpus design in audio-book generation   PhD candidate: Meysam Shamsi Date: 16/10/2020 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Supervisor: Damien Lolive (Senior lecturer, ENSSAT)   Mr. Meysam SHAMSI will defend his PhD thesis in computer science carried out at ENSSAT under the supervision of Damien Lolive (Senior Lecturer, HDR […]


Diagnostic automatique des erreurs des systèmes de transcription de parole end-to-end à partir de leur réception par les utilisateurs (DIETS)Date: 02/2021 – 08/2024Funding: ANRCall: AAPG2020 – JCJCPartners: LIA (porteur) (France), LPC (France)URL: Participant(s): Jane WottawaAntoine ThollyA major issue of language processing evaluation metrics concerns the fact that they are designed to globally mesure a […]

Théo Mariotte

automatic speech processing in meetings using microphone arrayStarting: 01/10/2020PhD Student: Théo MariotteAdvisor(s): Jean-Hugh Thomas (LAUM), Anthony Larcher (LIUM)Co-advisor(s): Silvio Montresor (LAUM)Funding: RFI Le Mans acoustiqueThe subject is supported by two laboratories of Le Mans – Université: the acoustics lab (LAUM) and the computer science lab (LIUM). The aim is to enhance automatic speech processing in […]

Thibault Prouteau

Temporal word embeddings: neologisms, gender bias, corpus of French newsStarting: 01/10/2020PhD Student: Thibault ProuteauAdvisor(s): Sylvain MeignierCo-advisor(s): Nicolas Dugué Funding: Allocation de recherche du ministère de l’enseignement supérieurContexte de la thèse : La télévision, la production littéraire et internet fournissent des traces de notre utilisation de la langue [6]. Grâce à l’Ina, la mémoire de la […]

Valentin Pelloin

Artificial Intelligence for a semantically controlled speech understandingStarting: 01/10/2020PhD Student: Valentin PelloinAdvisor(s): Sylvain MeignierCo-advisor(s): Nathalie Camelin et Antoine LaurentFunding: ANR AISSPERDescritpion Le projet ANR AISSPER (Artificial Intelligence for Semantically controlled SPEech UndeRstanding) a pour objectif de proposer des nouveaux algorithmes afin de résoudre le difficile problème de la compréhension de la parole. En effet, malgré […]

Martin Lebourdais

Extraction of end-to-end semantic information from audio signalStarting: 01/10/2020PhD Student: Martin LebourdaisAdvisor(s): Sylvain MeignierCo-advisor(s): Antoine Laurent, Marie TahonFunding: ANR GEMThe GEM project aims to describe the differences in representation and treatment between women and men in the media, based on the automatic analysis of large volumes of French-language data contained in the INA and Deezer […]