Séminaire Mano Brabant

Seminare from Mano Brabant, PhD student at LIUM   Date: 6/01/2023 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Mano Brabant     Lightning exploration in interpretability of speech systems. XAI (eXplainable Artificial Inteligence) is a research field that focuses on the understanding and explanation of Machine Learning systems. Recent Deep Learning systems are more and more […]

Séminaire Rémi Uro

Seminar from Rémi Uro, PhD student at INA   Date: 9/12/2022 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2 auditorium, and online Speakers: Rémi Uro     Anticipation of end of speech turn for interruption detection   The Gender Equality Monitor project, coordinated by INA, aims to develop automatic methods to analyze the representation of women and men in […]

Le Mans Java User Groupe #2

Le Mans Java User Groupe Les Java User Group sont des associations qui essaiment partout en France avec pour objectif de réunir localement les acteurs de l’informatique (étudiant⋅e⋅s, enseignant⋅e⋅s, associations et professionnel⋅les) afin de favoriser le partage de connaissances autour de l’univers du language de programmation Java. Après le succès du premier évènement, le Java […]


Dialogue Between Researchers and Students to Engage them in the Construction of Knowledge   Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Larcher, Théo Mariotte and Marie Tahon participated to the Déclics meeting with students from the Gabriel Touchard high school, to exchange about research in computer sciences. These events aim to create a link between researchers and high-school students […]

Séminaire Salima Mdhaffar

Seminar from Salima Mdhaffar, postdoc at LIA, Avignon University   Date: 25/11/2022 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2 auditorium, and online Speakers: Salima Mdhaffar     End-to-end model for named entity recognition from speech without paired training data   Recent works showed that end-to-end neural approaches tend to become very popular for spoken language understanding (SLU). Through […]

Nouveau logo pour le LIUM

The LIUM gets a new logo Congratulations to Alix Dupont, student of the MMI department of the IUT of Laval, whose project representing the “complementarity and the man-machine partnership” was selected.  

Café Thèse : dans Baltimore il y a AI

There’s AI in Baltimore Thibault Gaudier and Valentin Pelloin present their work done during the JSALT workshop at JHU in Baltimore during a café-thèse, on Le Mans campus. This stay was carried out within the framework of the project ESPERANTO. In 2023, the JSALT workshop will be organized in Le Mans.    

Seanghort Born

Khmer Misspelling Correction Model with Deep Learning Approach to Improve Khmer Typing Accuracy in Educational ContextStarting: 01/11/2022PhD Student: Seanghort BornAdvisor(s): Madeth MayCo-advisor(s): Funding: We are moving toward digital usage in industrial 4.0, and it has become ingrained in our lives. Prior to the invention of digital devices, we kept track of information via handwriting, but […]

Hugo Riguidel

Resource-constrained multilingual speech translationStarting: 01/11/2022PhD Student: Hugo RiguidelAdvisor(s): Antoine Laurent (LIUM)Co-advisor(s): Anthony Larcher (LIUM), Josep Crego (Systran)Funding: CIFRE – ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’InnovationContext This thesis work is in the field of automatic language processing and more specifically in automatic speech translation. The usefulness of machine translation for the community […]

Séminaire Julien Hauret

Seminar from Julien Hauret, PhD students at LMSSC (CNAM de Paris)   Date: 10/11/2022 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2 auditorium, and online Speakers: Julien Hauret     Extension of the bandwidth for voice signals captured by noise-proof microphones   Speech recording is traditionally performed using microphones located near the speaker’s lips. However, this sound capture is […]