Robustness of speaker recognition systems: additive noise, reverberation, and linguistic content variabilities

Seminar from Aran Mohammadamini, Postdoctoral fellow at LIUM   Date: 05/04/2024 Time: 10h15 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Mohammad Mohammadamini     Robustness of speaker recognition systems: additive noise, reverberation, and linguistic content variabilities   Speaker recognition systems authenticate the identity of speakers from their speech utterances. In order to authenticate the identity of a claimed […]

Best paper de la conférence internationale Mobile Learning

Sebastian Simon, Iza MARFISI, Sébastien George, chercheurs du LIUM ont gagné le best paper award à la conférence internationale Mobile Learning 2024, en mars dernier à Porto au Portugal! L’article est librement accessible sur HAL: Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. SPART – An Affordable Mobile Augmented Reality Alternative to Interactive Tabletops in Education. Mobile […]

Traduction automatique de la parole en pictogrammes pour faciliter la communication de personnes en situation de handicap langagier

Seminar from Cécile Macaire, PhD student in the GETALP team at the LIG   Date: 22/03/2024 Time: 10h15 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Cécile Macaire     Automatic translation of speech into pictograms to facilitate communication for people with language disabilities   When a person’s language skills (speech production and comprehension, reading, writing) are impaired or […]

Présentation d’Emmanuel Blanchard

Présentation des travaux d’Emmanuel Blanchard Date : 20/02/2024 Heure : 10h00 Location: Le Mans en Visio Titre : La vie, l’univers et le reste Résumé : Dans cette présentation, j’aborderai différents points qui motivent mon cheminement de recherche depuis une vingtaine d’année. Cette intervention tournera donc autour des technologies éducatives adaptatives, des liens entre facteurs […]

Annotation et classification automatique de la terminalité pour la description des interruptions dans les contenus de médias audiovisuels

Seminar from Aghilas Sini (LIUM)   Date: 24/01/2024 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Rémi Uro     Automatic annotation and classification of terminology for the description of interruptions in audiovisual media content   In order to better understand the mechanisms involved in managing speaking turns and interruptions in audiovisual media content, an annotation was […]

Valentin Pelloin

PhD defence, Valentin Pelloin Date : 24/01/2024 Time : 9h30 Location : Le Mans Université; IC2 buiding Auditorium   Title: Spoken language understanding in human-computer dialogue systems in the era of pre-trained models   Jury members : Christophe CERISARA, Researcher, LORIA, Nancy, Reviewer Benoit FAVRE, Professor, LIS, Marseille, Reviewer Géraldine DAMNATI, Research Engineer, Orange Labs, […]