The Limits of Speech Systems: Navigating Adversarial and Poisoning Threats with Robust Defenses

Seminare from Thomas Thebaud, researcher at CLSP, JHU   Date: 18/12/2024 Time : 13h30 Place: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Thomas Thebaud,     The Limits of Speech Systems: Navigating Adversarial and Poisoning Threats with Robust Defense   Summary: The widespread adoption of voice-controlled devices and speech recognition systems underscores the critical need for robust security measures […]

TTS for low resource languages, dialects and accents

TTS for low resource languages, dialects and accents (13/12/2024) Currently, many different neural architectures are available to use a Text-to-Speech (TTS) system on the shelf. However it is not always easy to choose the best network for a given application. Especially the limits and drawbacks of pre-trained models are not well defined. This can be […]

Analyse et quantification des représentations genrées dans les médias audiovisuels : cinq années d’intéractions entre la recherche, les acteurs politiques et le grand public

Seminare from David Doukhan, researcher et Ina   Date: 12/12/2024 Time : 14h00 Place: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: David Doukhan     Analysing and quantifying gendered representations in the audiovisual media: five years of interaction between research, political players and the general public   Summary: The media have been described by the philosopher Michel Foucault as […]

From document to program embeddings: can distributional hypothesis really be used on programming languages?

Seminar from Thibaut Martinet, PhD student at LIFO, Orléans University   Date: 06/12/2024 Time: 10h15 Place: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Thibaut Martinet     From document to program embeddings: can distributional hypothesis really be used on programming languages?   Programming language processing is a field of increasing interest, as more and more models become available, either […]

Information Extraction and Analysis from News videos

Seminar from Sadok Mansouri, ATER at LIUM   Date: 15/11/2024 Time: 11h00 Place: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Sadok Mansouri     Information Extraction and Analysis from News videos   Information extraction from videos is an important research topic in content-based video indexing and retrieval. Indeed, the visual text present in news videos typically provides rich semantic […]

Lightweight CNNs for Face Recognition Applications

Seminar from Heydi Méndez Vázquez, researcher at CENATAV   Date: 09/10/2024 Time: 11h00 Place: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Heydi Méndez Vázquez     Lightweight CNNs for Face Recognition Applications   Face recognition (FR) is an active research topic in computer vision and image understanding. It is one of the most used and extended biometric techniques. The […]

Séminaire de Lamia TRIQUI sur l’automatisation intelligente dans les usines

Séminaire de Lamia TRIQUI sur l’automatisation intelligente dans les usines   Date : 08/10/2024 Heure : 14h30 Lieu : Laval et en Visio (ID de réunion: 965 1014 3727, Code secret: 488355) Intervenante : Lamia TRIQUI-SARI est actuellement enseignante-chercheuse à l’Université de Tlemcen. Elle est titulaire d’un doctorat en informatique mathématique de l’Université de Marseille […]

Trustworthy, explainable, interpretable… what can we expect for speech processing?

Seminar from Anthony Larcher, Professor at LIUM   Date: 02/07/2024 Time: 10h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Anthony Larcher     Trustworthy, explainable, interpretable… what can we expect for speech processing?   Improvements in the performance of automated systems have led to the widespread commercial deployment of applications that are still poorly understood. To ensure the […]

Enrichir la représentation acoustique pour les langues faiblement dotées

Seminar from Yannick Yomie Nzeuhang, PhD student at Université Yaoundé 1 and ESPERANTO secondee at LIUM   Date: 21/06/2024 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Yannick Yomie Nzeuhang     Enriching acoustic representation for for LRL(Low resources Languages)   A popular approach in the literature for tackling the task of speech recognition for low-resource languages […]

Extend self supervised representation models with features engineering for NLP of African Languages

Seminare from Paulin Mélatagia, Université Yaoundé 1, ESPERANTO secondee at LIUM   Date: 13/06/2024 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Paulin Mélatagia     Extend self supervised representation models with features engineering for NLP of African Languages   Most of the African languages are low-resourced and their linguistic characteristics are different from those of the […]