SINr: fast computing of Sparse Interpretable Node Representations is not a sin!

Seminar from Thibault Prouteau, PhD student at LIUM   Date: 19/04/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: online Speaker: Thibault Prouteau   SINr: fast computing of Sparse Interpretable Node Representations is not a sin!   While graph embedding aims at learning low-dimensional representations of nodes encompassing the graph topology, word embedding focus on learning word vectors that encode […]

MiniBERT: a simple and explainable BERT model

Seminar from Gaëtan Caillaut, Post-Doctoral researcher at LIUM   Date: 12/03/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: online Speaker: Gaëtan Caillaut   MiniBERT: a simple and explainable BERT model   As part of the PolysEmY project, we work with the SNCF (French railway company) to produce “polysemic-aware” word embeddings. Documents provided by the SNCF are written in technical […]

Approches de transfert en traduction automatique neuronale

Seminar by Adrien Bardet, PhD Student at LIUM, Team LST   Date: 19/02/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: online Speaker: Adrien Bardet   Multilingual neural architectures for natural language processing   Machine translation using little data leads to poor performance. The use of multilingual systems is one solution to this problem. Multilingual machine translation systems make it […]

Adrien Bardet

PhD defence, Adrien Bardet Date : 22/02/2021 Time : 14h00 Location : IC2 building, LIUM, Le Mans Université, online   Title: Multilingual neural architectures for natural language processing Jury members: Ms. Claire Gardent, Professor, LORIA, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, Reviewer Mr. Alexandre Allauzen, Professor, LAMSADE, Paris, Reviewer Mr. Emmanuel MORIN Professor, Université de Nantes – LS2N, Examiner Mr. […]

Antoine Caubrière

PhD defence, Antoine Caubrière Date : 29/01/2021 Time : 14h00 Location : IC2 building, LIUM, Le Mans Université, online   Title: From signal to concept: Deep neural networks applied to spoken language understanding Jury members: Ms. Irina ILLINA, Lecturer – HDR, Université de Lorraine – LORIA / INRIA, Reviewer Mr. Benoit FAVRE, Lecturer – HDR, […]

Les learning analytics seraient-elles promises à l’échec ?

Seminar from Rémi Venant, Lecturer at LIUM, team TEL   Date: 22/01/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: video-conference Speaker: Rémi Venant   Are learning analytics doomed to failure?   learning analytics (LA) are undergoing increasing development, and following the COVID-19 pandemic and the forced introduction of large-scale distance learning, it is reasonable to anticipate an acceleration in […]

Malik Koné

Soutenance de thèse, Malik Koné Date : 14/12/2020 Heure : 10h30 Lieu : visio conférence Titre : Collaviz: un prototype pour la détection et la visualisation des dynamiques collectives dans les forums des MOOC Composition du jury : Résumé : Malgré la popularité croissante des sites Internet de formation à distance, dont les MOOC, ceux-ci […]

Amira Barhoumi

PhD defence, Amira Barhoumi Date : 23/11/2020 Time : 10h00 Location : IC2 building, LIUM, Le Mans Université Title : Neural approach for Arabic sentiment analysis Jury members : Reviewers: – Kamel Smaïli Professor, Université de Lorraine, France – Nadia Essoussi Professor, Université de Tunis, Tunisie Examiners: – Emmanuel Morin, Professor, Université de Nantes, France […]

Damien Brun

Soutenance de thèse, Damien Brun Date : 18/11/2020 Heure : 15h30 Lieu : visio conférence ZOOM : Titre : Démocratisation des visiocasques de réalité augmentée : Perspective de la saisie de texte dans des environnements de travail Composition du jury : CHARLES GOUIN-VALLERAND, professeur, Département Science et Technologie, Université TÉLUQ, Département SIMQG, Université de […]

Meysam Shamsi

PhD defence; Script optimization for TTS voice corpus design in audio-book generation   PhD candidate: Meysam Shamsi Date: 16/10/2020 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Supervisor: Damien Lolive (Senior lecturer, ENSSAT)   Mr. Meysam SHAMSI will defend his PhD thesis in computer science carried out at ENSSAT under the supervision of Damien Lolive (Senior Lecturer, HDR […]