Presentation of Jeffrey WISEMAN on innovation in medical education

Date : 13/02/2024
Heure : 14h30
Location : Laval et en Visio : lien

Speaker : Jeffrey Wiseman,  MD, MEd, FRCPC, is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McGill University, a specialist in general internal medicine and a medical education researcher. He is Director of Education at the McGill Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning, Director of Faculty Development for the Undergraduate Medical Education Program in the McGill Faculty of Health Sciences Education, and a faculty member of the McGill Institute of Health Sciences Education. He is a nationally and internationally recognized clinical educator. His current research interests include clinical reasoning in technology-rich environments, serious games, emotions in education, in situ simulation science, conflict resolution, teamwork and mentoring.

Title : Innovation in medical education: from today’s simulation centers to tomorrow’s.

Description : Medical education has always sought to incorporate innovative approaches to improve the training of physicians and associated professions. In recent decades, this has led to the creation of medical simulation centers that optimize the use of resources, space and personnel, while fostering the emergence of innovative and effective teaching practices.

In this presentation, I will briefly introduce the specific needs and constraints of training in the medical field, as well as the contributions and limitations of current medical simulation centers. I will discuss the innovative use of technologies to revisit certain training practices and strategies, and address current challenges in medical education as well as some avenues for addressing them in the future.