IArt #2

IArt First session, Thursday March 16   LIUM researchers teamed up with local artist Sarah Lembo to show fourth graders from Bérangère de Navarre and Joséphine Baker high schools how art and artificial intelligence can be combined. During a first afternoon of exchanges, which will be followed by two other sessions, the students familiarized themselves […]

Séminaire Martin Ongolo, Yannick Nzeuhang

Seminare Martin Rodrigue Atangana Ongolo and Yannick Yomie Nzeuhangi, PhD students at the University of Youndé 1 and currently in secondment at the University of Grenoble Alpes in the framework of ESPERANTO   Date: 28/03/2023 Time: 14h00 Localization: en ligne Speakers: Martin Rodrigue Atangana Ongolo and Yannick Yomie Nzeuhang     Automatic translation for the […]

West Data Festival

Automatic analysis of customer feedback with AI   During the West Data Festival held in Laval from March 14 to 16, 2023, Nicolas Dugué and Clément Besnard from the LSF team presented the automatic analysis of customer feedback with AI. Turning customer feedback and online opinions into marketing decisions is a good way to secure […]

HDR, Marie Tahon

HDR Defence, Marie Tahon Date : 23/01/2023 Heure : 14h00 Lieu : IC2, auditorium   Title : Expressive speech processing: back to interpretable systems ?   jury members: Corinne FREDOUILLE, Professeure des Universités – Université d’Avignon, Reviewer Damien LOLIVE, Professeur des Universités – ENSSAT/Université de Rennes 1, Reviewer Emmanuel VINCENT, Directeur de Recherche – INRIA, […]

Séminaire Thibault Roux

Seminar from Thibault Roux, PhD student at LS2N, cosupervised by LIA and LIUM   Date: 20/01/2023 Time: 10h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom and on line Speaker: Thibault Roux     Evaluation of Language Model Rescoring in Automatic Speech Recognition   Evaluating automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is a classical but difficult and still open problem, which […]


Online Multilingual Communication Support Platform (COMMUTE)Date: 12/2022 – 11/2025Funding: AutresCall: DUALE-RAPIDPartners: SYSTRAN (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/projet-commute/LIUM Participant(s): Antoine LaurentAnthony LarcherMohammad Mohammadamini Our project aims at integrating the production of speech recognition and translation into an online communication tool, which will create a true barrier-free communication platform. The project will focus on the production of French and English […]

Séminaire Mano Brabant

Seminare from Mano Brabant, PhD student at LIUM   Date: 6/01/2023 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Mano Brabant     Lightning exploration in interpretability of speech systems. XAI (eXplainable Artificial Inteligence) is a research field that focuses on the understanding and explanation of Machine Learning systems. Recent Deep Learning systems are more and more […]

Séminaire Rémi Uro

Seminar from Rémi Uro, PhD student at INA   Date: 9/12/2022 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2 auditorium, and online Speakers: Rémi Uro     Anticipation of end of speech turn for interruption detection   The Gender Equality Monitor project, coordinated by INA, aims to develop automatic methods to analyze the representation of women and men in […]


Dialogue Between Researchers and Students to Engage them in the Construction of Knowledge   Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Larcher, Théo Mariotte and Marie Tahon participated to the Déclics meeting with students from the Gabriel Touchard high school, to exchange about research in computer sciences. These events aim to create a link between researchers and high-school students […]