Software: Virtual Reality PEdAgogical Scenarisation tool (VR-PEAS)

VR-PEAS (Virtual Reality PEdAgogical Scenarisation tool) is an authoring tool with a service for the automatic operationalisation of VR-oriented pedagogical scenarios.
It has been experimented with different audiences: teachers who are experts in pedagogical scenarisation, teachers with no previous experience in pedagogical scenarisation and teachers who have already participated in the realization of a VRLE. The editor was evaluated in particular from the point of view of usefulness and usability. According to the literature studied and the teachers who have participated in the design and tested the tool, VR-PEAS allows the design of VR-oriented pedagogical scenarios and provides all the necessary elements for the modelling of a VRLE. The feedbacks from the participants have particularly highlighted its simplicity of use and the benefit of having a visual scenarisation tool.