DEEP-PRIVACYDate: 01/2019 – 12/2022Funding: ANRCall: genericPartners: Multispeech (France), LIA (France), Magnet (France)URL: Participant(s): Anthony LarcherAntoine LaurentMarie TahonPierre ChampionDEEP-PRIVACY proposes a new paradigm based on a distributed, personalized, and privacy-preserving approach for speech processing, with a focus on machine learning algorithms for speech recognition. To this end, we propose to rely on a hybrid approach: […]

Edwin Simonnet

Soutenance de thèse, Edwin Simonnet Date : 12/02/2019 Heure : 13h00 Lieu : amphithéâtre, bâtiment IC2, LIUM, Université du Mans Title : Deep learning applied to spoken langage understanding jury members: Reviewers : – Ms Sophie Rosset – Mr. Frédéric Béchet Examiners : – Mr. Marco Dinarelli – Mr. Bassam Jabaian Supervisor : Mr. Yannick […]

HDR, Anthony Larcher

HDR Defense, Anthony Larcher   Title : Acoustic modelling for speaker recognition.   Jury : Claude BARRAS, Lecturer HDR, LIMSI, Paris Guillaume GRAVIER, Research Director, l’IRISA/CNRS, Rennes Jean-François BONASTRE, Professor, Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse Denis JOUVET, Research Director, CNRS, LORIA, Nancy Sylvain MEIGNIER, Professor, Université du Mans   Abstract : Since the […]

Yevhenii Prokopalo

Autonomous lifelong learning intelligent systems Starting: 01/09/2018PhD Student: Yevhenii ProkopaloAdvisor(s): Anthony LarcherCo-advisor(s): Loic BarraultFunding: Chist-ERAThe goal of the ALLIES project is to encourage and demonstrate the development of autonomous systems, able to sustain performance across time according to a given learning scenario. A learning scenario defines the importance given to the performance on “past” and […]


SIMPÆXDate: 02/2018 – 09/2020Funding: RFI AltanStic 2020Call: Amorçage, Défis scientifique 2017URL: Participant(s): Marie TahonThe SIMPÆX project aims at the automatic segmentation and identification of expressive styles and speakers in a speech corpus. Indeed the extraction of features concerning the speaker, his emotional state and the social context, offers very relevant clues for various applications […]


NéoDate: 02/2018 – 01/2020Funding: RFI AltanStic 2020Call: Amorçage, Défis scientifique 2017Partners: Laboratoire ERIC (France), CRTT (France)URL: Participant(s): Nicolas DuguéNathalie CamelinNeo is an interdisciplinary digital humanities research project aiming at the semi-automatic detection and analysis of contemporary neology. It results from the convergence of new language practices of the modern web (creation of new words […]

Paul Tardy

Neural approaches for abstractive text summarizationStarting: 01/09/2017PhD Student: Paul TardyAdvisor(s): Yannick Estève (LIUM – LST)Co-advisor(s): Funding: CIFRE, Financière du CaroubierThis thesis aims at developping Neural approaches for abstract summarization of speech transcripts with a view to developing an automatic solution for abstract summarization of speech transcripts.


Autonomous Lifelong Learning IntelligEnt Systems (ALLIES)Date: 12/2017 – 03/2022Funding: EU H2020Call: chist-eraPartners: IDIAP (Switzerland), UPC (Span), LNE (France)URL: Participant(s): Anthony LarcherLoïc BarraultFethi BougaresSylvain MeignierYevhenii ProkopaloMeysam ShamsiThe goal of the ALLIES project is to encourage and demonstrate the development of autonomous systems, able to sustain performance across time according to a given learning scenario. A […]


Deep neural networks for oral and written language processing (RAPACE)Date: 10/2017 – 09/2020Funding: RFI AltanStic 2020Call: Défis scientifiques 2016Partners: LINA (France)URL: Participant(s): Antoine CaubrièreAntoine LaurentYannick EstèveThe RAPACE project focuses on the implementation of a deep neural architecture, associating specialized hidden layers, to develop a fully neural system of speech processing. The aim is to […]

Alexis Conneau

Learning and applications of distributed multilingual representationsStarting: 01/10/2015PhD Student: Alexis ConneauAdvisor(s): Paul Deléglise (LIUM, LST)Co-advisor(s): Loïc Barrault (LIUM, LST), Holger Schwenk (Facebook)Funding: CIFRE (Facebook)Learning and applications of distributed multilingual representations