Training CHIldren reading Comprehension skills with Adapted Artificial Intelligence (CHICA-AI)Date: 03/2024 – 04/2028Funding: ANRCall: AAPG2023Partners: Lalilo (Toulouse), IRIT (Toulouse), EMC (Lyon)URL: Participant(s): Nathalie CamelinAntoine LaurentEmmanuelle BillardAghilas SiniThe 2019 PISA study shows that 20% of French 15-year-old students have severe difficulties in reading and that socio-economic gaps widen the differences in levels. Lalilo intends to […]

Réflexions sur la mixité filles/garçons en informatique

Reflections on gender equality in IT   The Institut Informatique Claude Chappe at Le Mans University is organising a half-day discussion on gender equality in IT on 6 July 2023 at 2pm at EVE (Le Mans University campus). The aim of this half-day event is to discuss what can be done to make IT and […]

Séminaire de Laurianne Sitbon

Seminare from Laurianne Sitbon   Date: 12/06/2023 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Laurianne Sitbon     Co-designing intelligent systems that can enrich inclusive pictorial communication     Summary:Bridging the gap between advances in artificial intelligence and assistive technologies, I will discuss why and how we can co-design pictorial visual communication applications with people with […]

Workshop JSALT

For the last 30 years, Each summer, CLSP organizes and hosts a few international teams for an intensive 6-week research workshop on speech and language engineering. These very successful workshops have had a widespread impact on the Human Language Technology community. Recently, we are beginning to experiment with broadening their reach to adjacent research communities. […]

Ecole d’été en Intelligence Artificielle

Summer school in artificial intelligence   As a prelude to the JSALT 2023 workshop that LIUM is organising in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) and AlloMédia, the JSALT summer school aims to train future experts in speech and natural language processing. More than 10 international experts will be teaching deep learning, speech recognition, […]

Séminaire de Fethi Bougares

Seminare from Fethi Bougares, Elyadata   Date: 09/06/2023 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2, amphithéâtre Speaker: Fethi Bougares     CI/CD, DevOps and Containers: A Winning Trio     Summary: CI/CD, DevOps and Containers are today essential for reliably and quickly deliver application changes. This is especially true when when the software is designed as a collection […]

Séminaire campagnes d’évaluation

Date: 02/06/2023 time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, salle des conseils     DEFT 2023: Mohamed Ettaleb, Clément Besnard, Nathalie Camelin Our paper describes the participation of the LIUM-IRISA team in the DEFT 2023 evaluation campaign. Our team participated in the main task, which this year consists of developing approaches for automatically answering medical multiple-choice questions. We […]

Séminaire de Hugo Riguidel

Seminare from Hugo Riguidel, PhD student at LIUM   Date: 26/05/2023 time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, Boardroom Speaker: Hugo Riguidel     ON-TRAC consortium systems for the IWSLT 2023 dialectal and low-resource speech translation tasks     This paper describes the ON-TRAC consortium speech translation systems developed for IWSLT 2023 evaluation campaign. Overall, we participated in […]

Séminaire de Simon Guillot et Thibault Prouteau

Seminare from Simon Guillot and Thibault Prouteau, PhD students at LIUM   Date: 12/05/2023 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2, boardroom Speakers: Simon Guillot and Thibault Prouteau     Sparser is better: one step closer to word embedding interpretability     Sparse word embeddings models (SPINE, SINr) are designed to embed words in interpretable dimensions. An interpretable […]

Rencontre entre collégiennes et étudiantes en informatique

Meeting between middle school girls and computer science students   The Computer Science department and Ensim welcomed about fifteen students from the 9th grade of the Jean Cocteau high school in Coulaines, who came to meet the female students of the computer science program, as well as various female teachers and researchers working in this […]