MIXed reality for Augmented Pedagogy in EUrope (MIXAP-EU)

Date: 11/2024 - 10/2027
Funding: Autres
URL: https://mixap-lium.univ-lemans.fr/

The MIXAP-EU action-research project aims to help primary and secondary school teachers use Mixed Reality (MR). It is an ERASMUS+ project of the SCO collaborative partnership type.

As we were able to demonstrate during an initial regional project MIXAP , this technology can be used in all disciplines and offers a number of pedagogical advantages. In particular, it facilitates comprehension by adding multimodal resources (video, audio, 3D models) to the resources already used by teachers (books, worksheets, etc.). It also enhances student autonomy by providing automatic corrections. Finally, initial results seem to show that it could also facilitate collaboration between learners, as well as making learning easier for children with concentration problems. However, the use of MR requires advanced computer development skills, and no authoring tool is currently suitable for teaching purposes.

The MIXAP-EU project therefore has three main objectives: to find the best ways of using MR for pedagogical purposes, to produce a simple authoring tool (MIXAP) that enables teachers to create their own MR activities, and to create a mutual aid community to facilitate the sharing and co-design of pedagogical activities between teachers.

Our team is made up of interdisciplinary researchers from France, Denmark, Ireland and Turkey, as well as a hundred pilot teachers and their students from all over Europe.

The project is part of a digital commons approach, since MIXAP is an open source tool that produces Free Educational Resources. The project can also be presented as eco-responsible, since, unlike the vast majority of digital projects which require the purchase of new and expensive hardware, MIXAP runs on tablets and computers already available in schools.

More information on the MIXAP-EU project website: https://mixap-lium.univ-lemans.fr/