Edwin Simonnet

Spoken Language Understanding for human-computer interactionStarting: 01/10/2015PhD Student: Edwin SimonnetAdvisor(s): Yannick Estève (LIUM, LST)Co-advisor(s): Nathalie Camelin (LIUM, LST)Funding: Projet Européen (JOKER) / RégionThis thesis work is done in connection with the European project JOKER (JOKe and Empathy of a Robot/ECA: Towards social and affective relations with a robot). This project is funded by the program […]


Multilingual Multimodal Continuous Representation for Human Language Understanding (M2CR)Date: 06/2015 – 06/2019Funding: AutresCall: ChisteraPartners: MILA (Canada), CVC (Espagne)URL: https://projets-lium.univ-lemans.fr/m2crLIUM Participant(s): Loïc BarraultFethi BougaresNathalie CamelinYannick EstèveMercedes García MartínezSahar GhannayAdrien BardetOzan CaglayanCommunication is one of the necessary condition to develop intelligence in living beings. Humans use several modalities to exchange information: speech, written text, both in many […]


JOKe and Empathy of a Robot/ECA: Towards social and affective relations with a robot (JOKER)Date: 01/2014 – 07/2017Funding: EU H2020Call: CHIST-ERA 2012Partners: LIMSI (coordinateur) (France), UCD (Irlande), UMONS (Belgique), KOC University (Turquie)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/joker/LIUM Participant(s): Yannick EstèveNathalie CamelinSimon PetitrenaudSylvain MeignierDaniel LuzzatiThis project will build and develop JOKER, a generic intelligent user interface providing a multimodal dialogue […]

Natalia Tomashenko

Speaker adaptation of deep neural network acoustic models using Gaussian mixture model framework in automatic speech recognition systems.Starting: 01/12/2014PhD Student: Natalia TomashenkoAdvisor(s): Yannick Estève (LIUM – LST)Co-advisor(s): Anthony Larcher (LIUM – LST)Funding: Differences between training and testing conditions may significantly degrade recognition accuracy in automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. Adaptation is an efficient way to […]

Mercedes García Martínez

Factored Neural Machine TranslationStarting: 01/10/2014PhD Student: Mercedes García MartínezAdvisor(s): Yannick Estève (LIUM, LST)Co-advisor(s): Loïc Barrault (LIUM, LST) & Fethi Bougares (LIUM, LST)Funding: This work was partially funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the CHIST-ERA M2CR project, under the contract number ANR-15-CHR2-0006-01Communication between humans across the lands is difficult due to the diversity […]

Sahar Ghannay

Event Understanding through Multimodal Social Stream InterpretationStarting: 01/10/2014PhD Student: Sahar GhannayAdvisor(s): Yannick Estève (LIUM – LST)Co-advisor(s): Nathalie Camelin (LIUM – LST)Funding: Région Pays de la Loire, EUMSSI (Event Understanding through Multimodal Social Stream Interpretation)This thesis concerns a study of continuous word representations applied to the automatic detection of speech recognition errors. Recent advances in the […]

Gaël Le Lan

Analyse en locuteurs de collections de documents multimédia.Starting: 01/04/2014PhD Student: Gaël Le LanAdvisor(s): Sylvain Meignier (LIUM – LST)Co-advisor(s): Anthony Larcher (LIUM – LST)Funding: Orange La segmentation et regroupement en locuteurs (SRL) de collection cherche à répondre à la question « qui parle quand ? » dans une collection de documents multimédia. C’est un prérequis indispensable […]

Ozan Caglayan

Multimodal Neural Machine TranslationStarting: 30/10/2014PhD Student: Ozan CaglayanAdvisor(s): Paul Deléglise (LIUM, LST)Co-advisor(s): Loïc Barrault (LIUM, LST) & Fethi Bougares (LIUM, LST)Funding: M2CR ProjectThis thesis aims at developing neural machine translation architectures by integrating different types of informations to improve the quality of the generated translations. More specifically, we are interested to guide the neural network […]


Event Understanding through Multimodal Social (EUMSSI)Date: 11/2013 – 10/2016Funding: EU FP7Call: ICT-2013.4.1 Content analytics and language technologiesPartners: UPF (Spain), L3S (Germany), VSN (Spain), GFaI (Germany), IDIAP (Switzerland)URL: https://www.eumssi.eu/LIUM Participant(s): Yannick EstèveVincent JousseSylvain MeignierPaul DelégliseNathalie CamelinL’objectif principal de EUMSSI est de développer des technologies d’identification et d’agrégation d’informations non structurées provenant de sources de nature très […]

Abdessalam Bouchekif

Automatic structuring of audio documentsStarting: 01/10/2012PhD Student: Abdessalam BouchekifAdvisor(s): Yannick EstèveCo-advisor(s): Nathalie CamelinFunding: Contrat Orange LabsThe topic structuring is an area that has attracted much attention in the Natural Language Processing community. Indeed, topic structuring is considered as the starting point of several applications such as information retrieval, summarization and topic modeling. In this thesis, […]