Fonctionnement de la recherche

Seminar from Anthony Larcher, professor at LIUM   Date: 15/10/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2 Boardroom, online Speakert: Anthony Larcher   How the research works   This technical seminar aims to discuss practices around the management of research projects (from submission to reporting), the publication process of scientific articles (submission, review). We will also discuss the […]

Séminaire Cendrine Mercier

Cendrine MERCIER est Maitre de Conférences au CREN. Elle est également référente numérique des 5 INSPE de l’Académie de Nantes. Elle cherche des solutions et essaye d’en mesurer les effets pour ses travaux de recherche. Elle s’intéresse à l’appropriation des outils numériques dans le cadre pédagogique pour faciliter l’accès au savoir. Depuis la covid, elle […]

LST day

LST day   On October 1st, the day of the LST team takes place. On this occasion, researchers – the young and the more experienced – present their research themes.   After the presentation of the team by its leader, Sylvain Meignier, the two research axes, speaker and language, will be introduced by Anthony Larcher […]

Les algorithmes font-ils la loi ?

Séminaire d’Aurélie JEAN Date: 18/10/2021 Heure: 10h30 Lieu: Espace Mayenne, Laval Intervenant: Aurélie JEAN Aurélie Jean nous entraîne dans un nouveau voyage : au cœur de nos institutions juridiques et des algorithmes qui s’y exercent. Comment la loi est-elle pensée et appliquée au temps des algorithmes ? Comment les algorithmes sont-ils utilisés au sein du […]

La protection des données personnelles à l’heure du RGPD

Seminar from Félicien Vallet, from CNIL   Date: 17/09/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: IC2 Salle des conseils, online Speakert: Félicien Vallet   Personal data protection in the era of the RGPD   The CNIL is the authority in charge of personal data protection in France.This presentation will review the birth of the CNIL in 1978, explain […]

Explicabilité et Interprétabilité des modèles IA : concepts, approches et adaptabilité au domaine du traitement de la parole

Seminar from Jean-François Bonastre, professor at LIA, Avignon Université   Date: 03/09/2021 Time: 14h00 Localization: IC2 Boardroom, online Speaker: Jean-François Bonastre   Explicability and Interpretability of AI models: concepts, approaches and adaptability to the domain of speech processing   This presentation proposes to define the notions of explicability and interpretability in AI and to give […]

Joint effort on data loading process and its application to VAD, speaker turn detection and overlap detection

Seminar from Martin Lebourdais and Théo Mariotte, PhD students at LIUM   Date: 18/06/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization:IC2 Salle des conseils, online Speakers: Martin Lebourdais and Théo Mariotte   Joint effort on data loading process and its application to VAD, speaker turn detection and overlap detection   Diarization is the task of finding “Who spoke when?” […]

Human assisted speaker diarization, approach and demonstrator

Seminar from diarization team   Date: 21/05/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: online Speakers: Meysam Shamsi, Yevhenii Prokopalo and Anthony Larcher   Human assisted speaker diarization, approach and demonstrator   ALLIES and ESPERANTO projects are targeting human assisted speaker diarization across time. To address this task step by step, our team proposes a within-show human assisted correction […]

End2End Acoustic to Semantic Transduction

Seminar from Valentin Pelloin, PhD student at LIUM   Date: 12/05/2021 Time: 11h00 Localization: online Speaker: Valentin Pelloin   End2End Acoustic to Semantic Transduction   We propose a novel end-to-end sequence-to-sequence spoken language understanding model using an attention mechanism. It reliably selects contextual acoustic features in order to hypothesize semantic contents. An initial architecture capable […]