Date: 17/10/2024
Hour: 9h00 - 17H00
Localisation: IC2, Salle de cours
Speaker(s): LST
With autumn come the traditional LST-days! It's an opportunity for members of the team to take closer look at the work of their colleagues.. ► Read more

Le LIUM à la fête de la science
Date: 05/10/2024
Hour: week-end
Localisation: Laval
Les chercheurs du LIUM à la fête de la science ! ► Read more

Pinte of AI
Date: 08/02/2024
Hour: 20h00
Localisation: Le Barouf
Speaker(s): Marie Tahon, Anthony Larcher
Come and have a relaxed chat about Artificial Intelligence with Marie Tahon and Anthony Larcher! ► Read more

Schoolgirls discover IT professions
Date: 18/12/2023
Hour: 9h00 - 17h00
Localisation: Campus Le Mans Université
Fourteen schoolgirls come to find out about IT jobs as part of their ninth-year observation course ► Read more

Date: 27/11/2023
Hour: 14h00
Localisation: Saint Denis D'orques
Speaker(s): Mathieu Fontaine, Adrien Bardet
The members of the LST team got away from it all for 2 days of intensive seminars and project presentations. We were also able to enjoy the seminars given by two external guests, Mathieu Fontaine, from Telecom Paris and Adrien Bardet, from Atlantique Traduction, many thanks to them. ► Read more

Science Fair
Date: 15/10/2023
Hour: 13h30
Localisation: Laval Virtual
Speaker(s): LIUM
Le LIUM présent à la Fête de la Science ► Read more

European Researchers' Night
Date: 29/09/2023
Hour: 18H - 0H00
Localisation: Les Quinconces, Le Mans
Speaker(s): LST
URL: https://nuitdeschercheurs-france.eu/?2023
Come and talk to researchers from LIUM's Language and Speech Technology team and find out how Artificial Intelligence works through various demonstrations. ► Read more

Reflections on gender equality in IT
Date: 06/07/2023
Hour: 14h00 - 17h30
Localisation: IC2, amphithéâtre
The Institut Informatique Claude Chappe at Le Mans University is organising a half-day discussion on gender equality in IT on 6 July 2023 at 2pmin the auditorium of IC2 building (Le Mans University campus). ► Read more

JSALT Workshop
Date: 26/06/2023
Hour: 9h00
Localisation: IC2, Le Mans Université
URL: https://jsalt2023.univ-lemans.fr
This year, Le Mans University is hosting the 30th JSALT Workshop, from 26 June to 4 August 2023. ► Read more

Summer school in AI
Date: 12/06/2023
Hour: 9h00
Localisation: IC2, Le Mans Université
URL: https://jsalt2023.univ-lemans.fr/en/summer-school/presentation-summer-school.html
A summer school in artificial intelligence brings together 60 international researchers in Le Mans from 12 to 23 June ► Read more

Le lium présente 4 projets à Laval Virtual
Date: 12/04/2023
Hour: du 12 au 16 avril
Localisation: Espace M, Laval
Speaker(s): Iza MARFISI, Madeth MAY, Sebastien GEORGE, Alexandra FREITAS ALVES, Guillaume BOUCHER
URL: https://laval-virtual.com/en/
Le lium présente 4 projets à Laval Virtual 2023. ► Read more

Journée du Libre Éducatif
Date: 07/04/2023
Hour: 8h39
Localisation: Rennes
Speaker(s): Iza Marfisi
Iza Marfisi présente le projet MIXAP à la Journée du Libre Éducatif qui a pour objectif d’acculturer aux communs numériques et de soutenir l’écosystème de celles et ceux qui créent et partagent des logiciels et ressources éducatives libres utiles à la communauté scolaire. ► Read more

Journée EdTech du LIUM
Date: 22/03/2023
Hour: 9h30 - 17h30
Localisation: Campus de Laval
Speaker(s): chercheurs du LIUM et enseignants pilotes
Le LIUM organise une journée d'ateliers et de conférences pour mettre en avant ses projets de recherches, les enseignants et les acteurs locaux qui y participent. Nous y présenterons des méthodes de conception d’outils pédagogiques avec des acteurs de l’enseignement et pour encourager la pérennité de logiciels EdTech libres et gratuits. ► Read more

West Data Festival
Date: 16/03/2023
Hour: 13h30
Localisation: Laval
Speaker(s): Nicolas Dugué, Clément Besnard
During the West Data Festival held in Laval from March 14 to 16, 2023, Nicolas Dugué and Clément Besnard from the LSF team presented the automatic analysis of customer feedback with AI. ► Read more

Café thèse: Artificial Intelligence or the art of not understanding what we're doing
Date: 28/02/2023
Hour: 12h30
Localisation: Hall de EVE
Speaker(s): Mano Brabant
Artificial intelligence, or the art of not understanding what we are doing: During the café-thèse organized by the ADoUM, Mano Brabant presents his research on XAI (eXplainable Artificial Inteligence), a field of research that focuses on the understanding and explanation of Machine Learning systems. ► Read more

My Master in Computer Science
Date: 12/01/2023
Hour: 9h00
Localisation: IC2, Le Mans Université
We are pleased to welcome students and companies for the "My Master in computer science" day at Le Mans University. ► Read more

Design pattern in Java
Date: 08/12/2022
Hour: 18h30
Localisation: IC2, amphithéâtre
Speaker(s): Christopher NEVE
After the success of the first event, Le Mans Java User Group is back at the Claude Chappe Institute with the help of the student association Asimov. ► Read more

Date: 29/11/2022
Hour: 9h00
Localisation: Lycée Gabriel Touchard, Le Mans
Speaker(s): Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Larcher, Théo Mariotte et Marie Tahon
Dialogue Between Researchers and Students to Engage them in the Construction of Knowledge Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Larcher, Théo Mariotte and Marie Tahon met with students from the Gabriel Touchard high school to discuss computer science research. ► Read more

Café Thèse : There's AI in Baltimore
Date: 22/11/2022
Hour: 12h30
Localisation: Hall de EVE
Speaker(s): Thibault Gaudier & Valentin Pelloin
There's AI in Baltimore: Thibault Gaudier and Valentin Pelloin present their work done during the JSALT workshop at JHU in Baltimore during a café-thèse. ► Read more

Science Fair
Date: 15/10/2022
Hour: 13h30
Localisation: Abbaye de l'Epau
Speaker(s): LIUM
The LIUM proposes a reflexion around the environmental impacts linked to the use of AI. Using tools developed in the laboratory, researchers will identify the key words of climate change in media documents. ► Read more

LST half-day
Date: 06/10/2022
Hour: 13h30
Localisation: IC2 salle de cours
Speaker(s): Equipe LST
On October 6th, the day of the LST team takes place. On this occasion, researchers - the young and the more experienced - present their research themes. ► Read more

The LIUM at the European Researchers' Night
Date: 30/09/2022
Hour: 18h00
Localisation: Les Quinconces, Le Mans
Speaker(s): Equipe LST
The Lium will once again be present at the European Researchers' Night, with different animations
- the unexpected in artificial intelligence systems;
- Grouping together to work better;
- Guess what happened to me ► Read more
Assemblée Générale du LIUM
Date: 07/07/2022
Hour: 10h
Localisation: Salle de réunion CERIUM Laval et visio
Assemblée Générale du LIUM ► Read more

Formation interne FabLab du campus de Laval
Date: 24/05/2022
Hour: 10h30
Localisation: laval fablab
Speaker(s): sebastian SIMON, Iza Marfisi et Marielle DROIN
L'équipe IEIAH du LIUM a suivi une formation interne sur la découpe laser et l'impression 3D dans le fabLab du campus de Laval. ► Read more

Gender diversity in IT
Date: 25/03/2022
Hour: 13h30
Localisation: EVE - Le Mans Université
Speaker(s): Isabelle Collet, Nicolas Dugué, florence Sedes
Afternoon of exchanges organized by the Institute of Computer Science Claude Chappe (IC2) around gender diversity in computer science at Le Mans University. ► Read more

Date: 16/11/2021
Hour: 14h00 - 17h00
Localisation: Le Mans, lycée Marguerite Yourcenar
Speaker(s): Anthony Larcher, Albane Grill, Théo Mariotte, Nicolas Dugué
Dialogue Between Researchers and Students to Engage them in the Construction of Knowledge ► Read more

TurtleTablet wins the best Serious Game at the International ECGBL competition
Date: 24/09/2021
Best Serious Game at the European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), for TurtleTablet, in the category “games installed on devices”, 4/32 games rewarded, Brighton, UK ► Read more

Science Fair
Date: 09/10/2021
Hour: 14h00
Localisation: Abbaye de l'Epau
Speaker(s): LST - IEIAH
URL: https://fetedelascience-paysdelaloire.fr/sarthe/quand-l-intelligence-artificielle-prend-la-parole
Artificial Intelligences or AI are present in our daily lives. These technologies allow computers to perform complex tasks, such as recognizing speech or detecting objects in an image Go on a journey of discovery of AI!
► Read more
LST day
Date: 01/10/2021
Hour: 9h00 - 17h00
Localisation: IC2 salle de cours, en ligne
Speaker(s): LST team
On October 1st, the day of the LST team takes place. On this occasion, researchers - the young and the more experienced - present their research themes. ► Read more

The LIUM at the European Researchers' Night
Date: 24/09/2021
Hour: 18h00 - 23h00
Localisation: Les Quinconces, Le Mans
Speaker(s): LIUM
Artificial intelligence is present in our daily lives. These technologies are based on learning models from data, allowing machines to perform complex tasks. Come and discover with the LIUM Language and Speech Technology team, the journey of data through several AI developed in the laboratory (automatic recognition of objects from a webcam, automatic recognition of speech). This will be an opportunity to discuss with researchers while analyzing your voice.
► Read more
Explainability and evolutive systems for Speaker Verification and Anti-Spoofing an event organized by the EXTENSOR project (ANR-19-CE23-0001-01)
Date: 02/09/2021
Hour: 15h30
Localisation: IC2 salle des conseils, en ligne
Speaker(s): Wanying Ge, Ambuj Mehrish, Jean-François Bonastre
URL: https://univ-lemans-fr.zoom.us/j/92143709904?pwd=Qy9QTXUydExNSlFnS0pWY0ZaNXpzUT09
In the context of the EXTENSOR project, LIUM and EURECOM organise two sessions of talk on two topics addressed in this project: explainability and interpretability for speech processing and evolutive systems and end-to-end speech processing. ► Read more

Booth at Laval Virtual 2021
Date: 10/07/2021
Hour: 10h-18h
Localisation: Espace Mayenne
Speaker(s): Sebastien GOERGE, Iza MARFISI, Madeth MAY, Oussema MAHDI
URL: http://iut-laval.univ-lemans.fr/fr/actualites-agenda/agenda2020-1/janvier2020-1/laval-virtual-2021.html

PhD defence, Meysam Shamsi
Date: 16/10/2020
Hour: 14h00
Localisation: IC2, salle des conseils
Speaker(s): Meysam Shamsi
On October 16th at 2pm, Mr. Meysam SHAMSI will defend his PhD thesis in computer science entitled: "Script optimization for TTS voice corpus design in audio-book generation", and carried out at ENSSAT under the supervision of Damien Lolive (Senior Lecturer, HDR - thesis director). ► Read more