An analysis and design framework about adaptable learning&gamified activities, and about the design of adaptive generators of exercices – Application to the learning of multiplication tables (AdapTABLES)Date: 01/2021 – 09/2024Funding: AutresCall: URL: Participant(s): Pierre LaforcadeSébastien GeorgeBérénice LemoineLe projet AdapTABLES est un projet de recherche qui a pour objectif de proposer un cadre d’étude concret […]

Malik Koné

Visualization of the collaborative dynamics of learners in the MOOCs contextStarting: 01/09/2017PhD Student: Malik KonéAdvisor(s): Sébastien Iksal (LIUM – IEIAH), Souleyman Oumtanaga (LARIT-INPHB, Côte d’Ivoire)Co-advisor(s): Madeth May (LIUM – IEIAH)Funding: Campus France (50%) + fonds propres (50%)Socio-constructivism and connectivism theories pinpoint the importance of collaboration for learning.  Nevertheless, the online social interactions underlying the collaboration […]

Oussema Madhi

Pattern-based virtual learning object platform : a new solution to facilitate the design and operationalization of pedagogical simulations in VRLEStarting: 01/09/2017PhD Student: Oussema MadhiAdvisor(s): Sébastien Iksal (LIUM – IEIAH)Co-advisor(s): Lahcen Oubahssi (LIUM – IEIAH)Funding: Laval Agglomération et Conseil Départemental de la MayenneWith the emergence of virtual reality, computing offers new experiences for users thanks to […]

Pierre Gac

Design and evaluation of educational virtual environments: application to vocational trainingStarting: 01/01/2017PhD Student: Pierre GacAdvisor(s): Paul Richard (LARIS, équipe ISISV), Sébastien George (LIUM – IEIAH)Co-advisor(s): Emmanuelle Richard (LARIS, équipe ISISV)Funding: CIFRE (entreprise DEC industrie)The first scientific objective of the thesis concerns the design and development of a software tool enabling the simple configuration of educational […]

Vincent Bettenfeld

Uninterrupted design process of innovative computer-based tools : application to automatic transcription in technology enhanced learning environmentsStarting: 01/10/2016PhD Student: Vincent BettenfeldAdvisor(s): Christophe Choquet (LIUM – IEIAH)Co-advisor(s): Claudine Piau-Toffolon (LIUM – IEIAH), Raphaëlle Crétin-Pirolli (Centre de Recherche en Éducation de Nantes)Funding: ANRThe thesis objective is the proposition of a methodology guiding users in the instrumentation of […]

Damien Brun

A multimodal interactive augmented reality system aware of context. (Toward a human-machine symbiosis)Starting: 01/09/2016PhD Student: Damien BrunAdvisor(s): Sébastien George (LIUM – IEIAH) & Charles Gouin-Vallerand (LICEF de l’Université du Québec)Co-advisor(s): Funding: CRSNG (Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et en Génie du Canada)In a similar way than smartphones augmented reality eyewear devices are poised to […]

Inès Dabbebi

Design of dynamic, adaptative and context-sensitive TEL dashboardsStarting: 01/10/2015PhD Student: Inès DabbebiAdvisor(s): Sébastien IKSAL (LIUM-IEIAH) & Serge Garlatti (Labsticc-IHSEV)Co-advisor(s): Jean-Marie Gilliot (Labsticc-IHSEV)Funding: ANR Hubble ProjectThis thesis is part of a general problem related to technology enhanced learning (TEL) and more specifically to the construction of analysis processes to accompany the decision-making of actors involved in […]

Quentin Couland

Automatic Analysis of Human Motion Data in Technology Enhanced Learning EnvironmentsStarting: 01/09/2015PhD Student: Quentin CoulandAdvisor(s): Sébastien George (LIUM – IEIAH)Co-advisor(s): Ludovic Hamon (LIUM – IEIAH)Funding: Bourse des collectivités LavalloisesThis thesis’ goal is to develop a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) environment allowing a student to improve his motion learning, by using his motion data, with machine […]

Aicha Bakki

Assister les enseignants dans le processus de scénarisation pédagogique des MOOCs.Starting: 01/10/2014PhD Student: Aicha BakkiAdvisor(s): Sébastien George (LIUM-IEIAH) & Chihab Cherkaoui (IRF-SIC, Université Ibn Zohr)Co-advisor(s): Lahcen OubahssiFunding: Coopération Maroco-Française (Institut Français au Maroc, CNRST)Ce projet de thèse s’intègre dans une problématique générale liée aux EIAH et plus spécifiquement aux MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Les […]

Aous Karoui

Jeux Éducatifs Mobiles : JEM iNVENTOR, un outil auteur fondé sur une approche de conception gigogneStarting: 01/09/2014PhD Student: Aous KarouiAdvisor(s): Sébastien George (LIUM – IEIAH)Co-advisor(s): Iza Marfisi (LIUM – IEIAH)Funding: Allocation de recherche du ministère de l’enseignement supérieurThe rise of mobile devices (e.g. tablets, smartphones) and their educational and recreational applications have contributed to the […]