Pluridisciplinary Research Organization for e-learning (ORPHEE)

Date: 12/2014 - 12/2017
Funding: ANR
Partners: Université Paris 6, Université Lyon 3, Université de Savoie, Université de Fribourg, Université de Genève, Université de Grenoble, Telecom Bretagne

The Orphée Network aims at structuring Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) stakeholders communities (industry with special focus on SMEs, providers, designers, educational institutions and professional associations, decision makers, research laboratories, etc.) in order to leverage the synergy of partners to successfully take up TEL challenges, with effective and sustainable results. The focus of the project is on three main issues: International, Business and Training & Experimentations. A road map will be adopted to sustain the network beyond the two years of the ANR project.

From a training perspective, the objectives are to create a TEL doctoral school at a national level, to provide content for online courses with theoretical, technical and practical content (e.g. MOOCs), to promote learning from experience, knowledge sharing, and collaborative knowledge building. Orphee tools will include a portal, support to collaborative projects, etc. The Orphée Network will develop partnership with the TEL industry and providers with the objective to enhance knowledge transfert, to discuss key TEL issues, and to respond to call for projects. At an international level, the main goals is to develop the connections between the French and the international research communities. For this purpose, the Orphée Network will support the creation of strong consortia committed to play an active role, to promote the technical and scientific competences of the French TEL research community, and to be part of international TEL studies and research projects.

More information on the French webpage :