Sébastien George
Directeur du LIUM
IEIAH ( Laval )
02 43 59 49 16
Activités de Recherche :
Logiciel(s) : Le Chaudron Magique, TurtleTablet
Sébastien GEORGE est Professeur des Universités en informatique à l’Université du Mans (IUT de Laval, laboratoire LIUM) depuis 2013. Après l’obtention d’un doctorat en informatique en 2001, il a travaillé au centre de recherche LICEF de la Télé-université du Québec au Canada puis a rejoint l’INSA de Lyon en 2002 (département informatique, laboratoire LIRIS). Ses travaux portent sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Ses champs d’intérêt concernent le support à l’apprentissage collaboratif, les environnements auteurs et l’assistance au tutorat humain. Il s’intéresse particulièrement aux applications intégrant des Interactions Homme-Machine innovantes dans le contexte de l’éducation et de la formation (jeux sérieux, réalité mixte). Il est directeur du laboratoire LIUM depuis 2021.
Intérêts actuels
- Outils auteurs en EIAH
- Serious games/gamification (conception, adaptation)
- Interactions innovantes pour l’éducation (RV, RA)
- Algo, structures de données (BUT INFO1)
- EIAH (M2)
Principales responsabilités
- Directeur du laboratoire LIUM
- Directeur adjoint de l’IUT (responsable du pôle recherche)
- Membre du comité de rédaction de la revue STICEF
- Éditeur Associé de la revue IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
- Membre de la CFVU de Le Mans Université et du conseil acédémique
- Membre du Sénat Académique de la COMUE Angers-Le Mans
Directions de thèses passées (au LIUM)
- Guillaume Loup
- Aous Karoui
- Aicha Bakki (co-tutelle avec Agadir, Maroc)
- Quentin Couland
- Damien Brun (co-tutelle avec Montréal, Canada)
- Pierre Gac (thèse CIFRE avec DEC Industrie, co-dirigée avec le LARIS d’Angers)
- Jean Djadja
Directions de thèses en cours
[1] | Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George. A Framework for Generators of Varied and Adapted Training Game Activities. Nineteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL), Sep 2024, Krems an der Donau, Austria. pp.237-252, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-72315-5_17⟩. <hal-04706135> |
[2] | Dynil Duch, Madeth May, Sébastien George. Students’ Performance in Learning Management System: An Approach to Key Attributes Identification and Predictive Algorithm Design. 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, Jul 2024, Dijon, France. pp.285-292, ⟨10.5220/0012754200003756⟩. <hal-04776088> |
[3] | Dynil Duch, Madeth May, Emmanuel G. Blanchard, Sébastien George. On Digital Divide within a Developing Country: Investigating Gender and Location Influence in ICT Study Engagement in Cambodia. 7th International Workshop on Culturally- Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS 2024), Jul 2024, Recife, Brazil. pp.11-23. <hal-04921267> |
[4] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. SituLearn. 2024, ⟨swh:1:dir:35fc202107feeb2ab391bf9b4c4bfa0c9a1c3073;origin=https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04592156;visit=swh:1:snp:402ff8ff764a80b1d3bef647e8a4cac42b0bd9cf;anchor=swh:1:rel:905b2ccd562ce472545b8492d73a1eb462edce1b;path=/⟩. <hal-04592156> |
[5] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Towards a Framework to Link Them All: A Provocation in the Ongoing Debate on Collaborative Learning. 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2024, Jun 2024, Buffalo, United States. pp.123-130, ⟨10.22318/cscl2024.752635⟩. <hal-04635573> |
[6] | Damien Brun, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Design and evaluation of a versatile text input device for virtual and immersive workspaces. Human-Computer Interaction, 2024, pp.1-46. ⟨10.1080/07370024.2024.2352705⟩. <hal-04633240> |
[7] | Vincent Agueda, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George, Pierre-Jean Petitprez. Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning. 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, May 2024, Angers, France. pp.428-435, ⟨10.5220/0012686100003693⟩. <hal-04718784> |
[8] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In-Classroom Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024), INSTICC, May 2024, Angers (FR), France. pp.103-114, ⟨10.5220/0012621700003693⟩. <hal-04479267> |
[9] | Dynil Duch, Madeth May, Sébastien George. Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance. 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024), May 2024, Angers, France. pp.385-396, ⟨10.5220/0012634600003693⟩. <hal-04572813> |
[10] | Mohamed Nail HEFIED, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George, Valériane Loison, Fabrice Pirolli, et al.. A Pipeline for the Automatic Evaluation of Dental Surgery Gestures in Preclinical Training from Captured Motions. 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, May 2024, Angers, France. pp.420-427, ⟨10.5220/0012685000003693⟩. <hal-04716141> |
[11] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. SPART – Une technologie mobile de positionnement sur surface pour favoriser l’apprentissage collaboratif. IHM'24 - 35e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine, AFIHM; Sorbonne Université, Mar 2024, Paris, France. <hal-04497156> |
[12] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. SPART - An Affordable Mobile Augmented Reality Alternative to Interactive Tabletops in Education. Mobile Learning 2024, IADIS, Mar 2024, Porto, Portugal. pp.239-247. <hal-04434239> |
[13] | Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George. An Approach for Mapping Declarative Knowledge Training Task Types to Gameplay Categories. Computer Supported Education, 2052, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.47-68, 2024, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-031-53655-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-53656-4_3⟩. <hal-04638993> |
[14] | Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George. Designing Declarative Knowledge Training Games: An Analysis Framework Based on the Roguelite Genre. Computer Supported Education, 2052, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.69-92, 2024, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-031-53655-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-53656-4_4⟩. <hal-04639000> |
[15] | Dynil Duch, Madeth May, Sébastien George. Enhancing Predictive Analytics for Students’ Performance in Moodle: Insight from an Empirical Study. Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems, 2024, ⟨10.47852/bonviewJDSIS42023777⟩. <hal-04776089> |
[16] | Sofiane Touel, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George, Lucas Hattab, Nicolas Pelay. Le Chaudron Magique : un jeu en Réalité Mixte pour l'apprentissage des fractions en autonomie. Environnement Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH), Jun 2023, Brest, France. pp.121-132. <hal-04133364> |
[17] | Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George. Un framework de conception pour des générateurs d'activités de jeu variées et adaptées. 11ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Jun 2023, Brest, France. pp.88-99. <hal-04152004> |
[18] | Albane Gril, Valérie Renault, Madeth May, Sébastien George. De la modélisation des indicateurs pour l'apprentissage à la capitalisation par les utilisateurs. 11ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Jun 2023, Brest, France. <hal-04155236> |
[19] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Towards Linking Tool Functionalities to Processes of Collaborative Learning. 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), Jun 2023, Montréal, Canada. pp.205-208. <hal-04176094> |
[20] | Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George. Mapping Task Types and Gameplay Categories in the Context of Declarative Knowledge Training. 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Apr 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.264-275, ⟨10.5220/0011840100003470⟩. <hal-04093538> |
[21] | Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George. An Analysis Framework for Designing Declarative Knowledge Training Games Using Roguelite Genre. 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Apr 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.276-287, ⟨10.5220/0011840200003470⟩. <hal-04093534> |
[22] | Aïcha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Youness Laghouaouta, Sébastien George. BPMN4MOOC: a BPMN Extension for the Design of Connectivist MOOC. Interactive Learning Environments, 2023, 32 (7), pp.3697-3719. ⟨10.1080/10494820.2023.2190353⟩. <hal-04033628> |
[23] | Noura Joudieh, Djadja Jean Delest Djadja, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Automatic Prediction of 3D Checkpoints for Technical Gesture Learning in Virtual Environments. 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - GRAPP, Feb 2023, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.39-51, ⟨10.5220/0011618100003417⟩. <hal-04473939> |
[24] | Djadja Jean Delest Djadja, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. A 3D Descriptive Model for Designing Multimodal Feedbacks in any Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning. International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT), 2023, Rome, France. pp.84-95, ⟨10.5220/0012081000003538⟩. <hal-04202890> |
[25] | Albane Gril, Madeth May, Valérie Renault, Sébastien George. A Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Design and Capitalize Data Indicators. Open and Inclusive Educational Practice in the Digital World, Springer International Publishing, pp.135-151, 2023, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-18512-0_9⟩. <hal-04461995> |
[26] | Mohamed Ez-Zaouia, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Maysa Oueslati, Cendrine Mercier, Aous Karoui, et al.. A Design Space of Educational Authoring Tools for Augmented Reality. Games and Learning Alliance conference (GALA), Nov 2022, Tampere, Finland. pp.258-268, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-22124-8_25⟩. <hal-03885430> |
[27] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Towards A Comprehensive Framework for Situated Collaborative Learning Tools. Doctoral Consortium of the17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), Sep 2022, Toulouse, France. <hal-03782838> |
[28] | Sebastian Simon, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. A Conceptual Framework for Creating Mobile Collaboration Tools. 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL), Sep 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.601-607, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-16290-9_56⟩. <hal-03782795> |
[29] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Aurélie Laine, Pierre Laforcade, Sébastien George, Sebastian Simon, et al.. Towards an Authoring Tool to Help Teachers Create Mobile Collaborative Learning Games for Field Trips. 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), Sep 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.550-557, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-16290-9_49⟩. <hal-03782522> |
[30] | Albane Gril, Valérie Renault, Madeth May, Sébastien George. Learning Indicator Capitalization: Protocol for Needs Gathering and User-Centered Design. 22nd International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Jul 2022, Bucarest, Romania. pp.71-73, ⟨10.1109/ICALT55010.2022.00028⟩. <hal-03781252> |
[31] | Aous Karoui, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. JEM Inventor: a Mobile Learning Game Authoring Tool Based on a Nested Design Approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 2022, 30 (10), pp.1851-1878. ⟨10.1080/10494820.2020.1753214⟩. <hal-02536767> |
[32] | Albane Gril, Madeth May, Valérie Renault, Sébastien George. A comparative analysis of approaches to design and capitalize data indicators. 18th International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Oct 2021, Virtual, Portugal. pp.79-86. <hal-03463835> |
[33] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sofiane Touel, Sébastien George. Designing a Mixed Reality Extension for an Educational Board Game on Fractions. International journal of virtual reality, 2021, 21 (1), ⟨10.20870/IJVR.2021.21.1.4784⟩. <hal-03286159> |
[34] | Sofiane Touel, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Analysis of Mixed Reality Tools for Learning Math in Primary and Secondary School. International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance, Dec 2020, Laval (virtual), France. pp.112-121, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-63464-3_11⟩. <hal-03143836> |
[35] | Damien Brun, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Keycube: Text Entry Evaluation with a Cubic Device. CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Late Breaking Work, Apr 2020, Honolulu, United States. pp.1-9, ⟨10.1145/3334480.3382837⟩. <hal-02942093> |
[36] | Damien Brun, Stéphane Safin, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Mixed Reality at Work: Health, Social and Ethical Implication. CHI'20, Workshop on Exploring Potentially Abusive Ethical, Social and Political Implications of Mixed Reality Research in HCI, Apr 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. <hal-04033129> |
[37] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George, Chihab Cherkaoui. A Model and Tool to Support Pedagogical Scenario Building for Connectivist MOOC. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 2020, 25, pp.899-927. ⟨10.1007/s10758-020-09444-8⟩. <hal-02531777> |
[38] | Damien Brun, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Handheld Controller Device. France, Patent n° : WO/2020/212866. 2020, https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/fr/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020212866. <hal-03038746> |
[39] | Djadja Jean Delest Djadja, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Design of a Motion-Based Evaluation Process in any Unity 3D Simulation for Human Learning. International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP), Feb 2020, Valletta, Malta. pp.137-148, ⟨10.5220/0008989001370148⟩. <hal-02454695> |
[40] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George, Marc Leconte. TurtleTablet : un jeu collaboratif et tangible sur tablette pour l'initiation à la programmation. Didapro – DidaSTIC, Feb 2020, Lille, France. pp.92-101. <hal-02466479> |
[41] | Quentin Couland, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Technology Enhanced Learning of Motions Based on a Clustering Approach. Pedro Isaias; Demetrios G. Sampson; Dirk Ifenthaler. Technology Supported Innovations in School Education, Springer International Publishing, pp.51-70, 2020, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, 978-3-030-48196-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-48194-0_4⟩. <hal-03544138> |
[42] | Pierre-Yves Gicquel, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Lessons Learned from the Development of a Mobile Learning Game Authoring Tool. Games and Learning Alliance Conference, GALA, Nov 2019, Athens, Greece. pp.201-210, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-34350-7_20⟩. & <hal-02314683> |
[43] | Pierre-Yves Gicquel, Ludovic Hamon, Florian Plaud, Sébastien George. Albiziapp: a Web, Collaborative and Gamified Tool Dedicated to Tree mapping and learning. Games and Learning Alliance conference (GALA), Nov 2019, Athènes, Greece. pp.287-297, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-34350-7_28⟩. <hal-02310074> |
[44] | Pierre Gac, Paul Richard, Yann Papouin, Sébastien George, Emmanuelle Richard. Simulation Tools for the Design of Virtual Training Environments. 1st International Conference for Multi-Area Simulation - ICMASim 2019, Oct 2019, Angers, France. pp.293-298, ⟨10.3389/978-2-88963-088-2⟩. <hal-02355233> |
[45] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George. Design and Operationalization of Connectivist Activities: an Approach through Business Process Management. The 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Sep 2019, Delft, Netherlands. pp.251-265, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-29736-7_19⟩. <hal-02170576> |
[46] | Djadja Jean Delest Djadja, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Modeling and Evaluating of Human 3d+t Activities in Virtual Environment. The 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Sep 2019, Delft, Netherlands. pp.696-700, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-29736-7_69⟩. <hal-02298496> |
[47] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George. Materializing Conception and Deployment Phases of a cMOOC Scenario. EMOOCs, May 2019, Naples, Italy. pp.20-26. <hal-02122317> |
[48] | Damien Brun, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Toward Discreet Interactions and Publicly Explicit Activities. 1st Workshop on Challenges Using Head-Mounted Displays in Shared and Social Spaces, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019, May 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. <hal-02264939> |
[49] | Damien Brun, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Keycube is a Kind of Keyboard (k 3). 2019 CHI Conference, May 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1145/3290607.3313258⟩. <hal-02264937> |
[50] | Pierre Gac, Paul Richard, Yann Papouin, Sébastien George, Emmanuelle Richard. Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive Environment. 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications, Feb 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.145-152, ⟨10.5220/0007456201450152⟩. <hal-02265235> |
[51] | Sébastien George. Games, Simulations, Immersive Environments, and Emerging Technologies. Tatnall A. Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Springer International Publishing, pp.1-10, 2019, 978-3-319-60013-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-60013-0_36-1⟩. <hal-02264208> |
[52] | Elise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat, Michel Desmarais, Sébastien George. Adaptive Gamification for Learning Environments. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2019, 12 (1), pp.16 - 28. ⟨10.1109/TLT.2018.2823710⟩. <hal-01784233> |
[53] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George, Chihab Cherkaoui. MOOCAT: A Visual Authoring Tool in the cMOOC Context. Education and Information Technologies, 2019, 24 (2), pp.1185-1209. ⟨10.1007/s10639-018-9807-2⟩. <hal-01882193> |
[54] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George, Marc Leconte. TurtleTable: Learn the Basics of Computer Algorithms with Tangible Interactions. Games and Learning Alliance Conference, GALA, Dec 2018, Palermo, Italy. pp.291-300. <hal-01949520> |
[55] | Damien Brun, Perrine Ruer, Charles Gouin Vallerand, Sébastien George. A Toolkit for Exploring Augmented Reality Through Construction with Children. 20th IEEE Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, Oct 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. pp.106-113, ⟨10.1109/SVR.2018.00026⟩. <hal-02264911> |
[56] | Quentin Couland, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Clustering and Analysis of User Motions to Enhance Human Learning: A First Study Case with the Flip Bottle Challenge. In 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) 2018, Oct 2018, Budapest, Hungary. pp.145-152. <hal-02002381> |
[57] | Sébastien George, Nathalie Alglave. De l’innovation pédagogique à la recherche : un outil collaboratif utilisant la réalité augmentée, au service de l’apprentissage de la Check-List utilisée au bloc opératoire. Deuxième colloque pour la recherche en santé - Quelles approches disciplinaires pour éclairer les pratiques de la clinique, de la formation et du management ?, CHU de Nantes, Sep 2018, Nantes, France. <hal-03039023> |
[58] | Quentin Couland, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Enhancing Human Learning of Motions: An Approach Through Clustering. 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Sep 2018, Leeds, United Kingdom. pp.591-595, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-98572-5_52⟩. <hal-02001863> |
[59] | Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba, Sébastien George, Azeddine Chikh, Karim Bouamrane. Social recommender approach for technology-enhanced learning. International Journal of Learning Technology, 2018, 13 (1), pp.61-89. ⟨10.1504/IJLT.2018.091631⟩. <hal-01798108> |
[60] | Guillaume Loup, Sébastien George, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Audrey Serna. A Visual Programming Tool to Design Mixed and Virtual Reality Interactions. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2018, 18 (02), pp.19-29. <hal-01900503> |
[61] | Pierre-Yves Gicquel, Sébastien George, Pierre Laforcade, Iza Marfisi-Schottman-. Design of a Component-Based Mobile Learning Game Authoring Tool. Games and Learning Alliance conference, Dec 2017, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.208-217. <hal-01635581> |
[62] | Aous Karoui, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. A Nested Design Approach for Mobile Learning Games. World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, Oct 2017, Larnaca, Cyprus. pp.1-4. & <hal-01925212> |
[63] | Lili Tong, Aurélien Tabard, Sébastien George, Audrey Serna. Horizontal vs. Vertical: How the Orientation of a Large Interactive Surface Impacts Collaboration in Multi-Surface Environments. 16th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2017, Mumbai, India. pp.202-222, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-67687-6_14⟩. <hal-01597913> |
[64] | Damien Brun, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. Augmented human mind: case of reasoning. the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Sep 2017, Maui, United States. pp.717-723, ⟨10.1145/3123024.3129273⟩. <hal-02264940> |
[65] | Guillaume Loup, Audrey Serna, Sébastien George. MIREDGE : un outil communautaire pour l’implémentation d’interactions immersives. 29ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, AFIHM, Aug 2017, Poitiers, France. 3 p. <hal-01577688> |
[66] | Sébastien George, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Marc Leconte. TurtleTable : apprendre les bases de la programmation avec des interfaces tangibles. Conférence IHM 2017, Journée EduIHM, Aug 2017, Poitiers, France. & <hal-01938542> |
[67] | Guillaume Loup, Audrey Serna, Sébastien George. Conception, développement et évaluation de jeux sérieux immersifs. Atelier EduIHM, conférence IHM 2017, Aug 2017, Poitiers, France. <hal-02538689> |
[68] | Quentin Couland, Ludovic Hamon, Sébastien George. Apprentissage des Mouvements Humain en Situation Informatisée: Avantages, Limites et Perspectives Apportées par l'Approche Automatique. 8ème conférence des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2017), Jun 2017, Strasbourg, France. pp.137-148. <hal-01713082> |
[69] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George, Chihab Cherkaoui. Approche et outils pour assister la scénarisation pédagogique des cMOOCs. 8 ème conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Jun 2017, Strasbourg, France. pp.185-196. <hal-01647740> |
[70] | Lili Tong, Audrey Serna, Sébastien George, Aurélien Tabard. Supporting Decision-making Activities in Multi-Surface Learning Environments. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017), Apr 2017, Porto, Portugal. pp.70-81. <hal-01493815> |
[71] | Iza Marfisi, Sébastien George, Marc Leconte, Evan Mottais. Comprendre la logique de l’exécution d’un programme à l’aide d’interactions tangible. Atelier Apprentissage Instrumenté de l'Informatique, ORPHEE RDV, Jan 2017, Font-Romeu, France. <hal-01938575> |
[72] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George, Chihab Cherkaoui. A Model to Assist Pedagogical Scenario Building Process in cMOOCs. 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2017, Timisouara, Romania. p. 5-7, ⟨10.1109/ICALT.2017.67⟩. <hal-01646823> |
[73] | Christine Michel, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George, Min Ji. Supporting Awareness and Self-Regulation In Project-Based Learning through Personalized Dashboards. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2017, 9 (2/3), pp.204-226. ⟨10.1504/IJTEL.2017.084500⟩. <hal-01384211> |
[74] | Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. Adaptation of Gaming Features for Motivating Learners. Simulation and Gaming, 2017, 48 (5), pp.625-656. ⟨10.1177/1046878117712632⟩. <hal-01563186> |
[75] | Damien M Brun, Susan M Ferreira, Charles Gouin Vallerand, Sébastien George. A mobile platform for controlling and interacting with a do-it-yourself smart eyewear. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2017, 13 (1), pp.41 - 61. ⟨10.1108/IJPCC-02-2017-0011⟩. <hal-01575915> |
[76] | Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George, Michel Desmarais. Les effets d'une ludification adaptative sur l'engagement des apprenants. STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), 2017, 24 (1), pp.51-74. ⟨10.23709/sticef.24.1.2⟩. <hal-01643166> |
[77] | Aous Karoui, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Mobile Learning Game Authoring Tools: Assessment, Synthesis and Proposals. European Games and Learning Alliance conference, GALA, Dec 2016, Utrech, Netherlands. pp.281-291, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-50182-6_25⟩. & <hal-01938470> |
[78] | Damien Brun, Susan M Ferreira, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Sébastien George. CARTON Project: Do-It-Yourself Approach to Turn a Smartphone into a Smart Eyewear. the 14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multi Media (MoMM 16), Nov 2016, Singapore, Singapore. pp.128-136, ⟨10.1145/3007120.3007134⟩. <hal-02264936> |
[79] | P Gicquel, Sébastien George, Iza Marfisi-Schottman. Technologies sémantiques pour l’apprentissage de la botanique en mobilité. SemWebPro 2016, Nov 2016, Paris, France. <hal-01547083> |
[80] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Pierre-Yves Gicquel, Sébastien George. Meta Serious Game: Supporting Creativity Sessions for Mobile Serious Games. European Conference on Game Based Learning ECGBL, Oct 2016, Paisley, United Kingdom. pp.407-415. <hal-01383204> |
[81] | Eric Sanchez, Claudine Piau-Toffolon, Lahcen Oubahssi, Audrey Serna, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, et al.. Toward a Play Management System for Play-Based Learning. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning,, Sep 2016, Lyon, France. pp.484 - 489, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_47⟩. <hal-01383214> |
[82] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Pierre-Yves Gicquel, Aous Karoui, Sébastien George. From Idea to Reality: Extensive and Executable Modeling Language for Mobile Learning Games. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning,, Sep 2016, Lyon, France. pp.428 - 433, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_38⟩. <hal-01383208> |
[83] | Guillaume Loup, Audrey Serna, Sébastien Iksal, Sébastien George. Immersion and Persistence: Improving Learners’ Engagement in Authentic Learning Situations. 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016, Sep 2016, Lyon, France. pp.410-415, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_35⟩. <hal-01388000> |
[84] | Lili Tong, Audrey Serna, Simon Pageaud, Sébastien George, Aurélien Tabard. It's Not How You Stand, It's How You Move: F-formations and Collaboration Dynamics in a Mobile Learning Game. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Sep 2016, Florence, Italy. pp.318-329, ⟨10.1145/2935334.2935343⟩. <hal-01363632> |
[85] | Audrey Serna, Simon Pageaud, Lili Tong, Sébastien George, Aurélien Tabard. F-formations and Collaboration Dynamics Study for Designing Mobile Collocation. 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct (MobileHCI 2016) , Sep 2016, Florence, Italy. pp.1138-1141, ⟨10.1145/2957265.2962656⟩. <hal-01387991> |
[86] | Sébastien George, Didier Coquin, Thierry Joliveau, Valéry Malécot, Laure Tougne. Conception d'applications ludo-éducatives mobiles en botanique. Ludovia 2016, Aug 2016, Ax-les-Thermes, France. <hal-01546798> |
[87] | Sébastien George, Christine Michel, Magali Ollagnier-Beldame. Favouring reflexivity in technology-enhanced learning systems: Towards smart uses of traces. Interactive Learning Environments, 2016, Interactive Learning Environments, 24 (7), pp.1389-1407. ⟨10.1080/10494820.2015.1016532⟩. <hal-01151412> |
[88] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Chihab Cherkaoui, Sébastien George. cMOOC: How to Assist Teachers in Integrating Motivational Aspects in Pedagogical Scenarios?. Torsten Brinda; Nicholas Mavengere; Ilkka Haukijärvi; Cathy Lewin; Don Passey. Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education, IFIPAICT-493, Springer International Publishing, pp.72-81, 2016, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-54687-2_7⟩. <hal-01625379> |
[89] | Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. Toward an Adaptive Gamification System for Learning Environments. Susan Zvacek; Maria Teresa Restivo; James Uhomoibhi; Markus Helfert. Computer Supported Education, 510, Springer, pp 115-129, 2015, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-319-25768-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-25768-6_8⟩. <hal-01230587> |
[90] | Aous Karoui, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Towards an Efficient Mobile Learning Games Design Model. European Conference on Game Based Learning EGCBL, Oct 2015, Steinkjer, Norway. pp.276-285. <hal-01383195> |
[91] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Chihab Cherkaoui, Sébastien George. Motivation and Engagement in MOOCs: How to Increase Learning Motivation by Adapting Pedagogical Scenarios?. EC-TEL 2015, Sep 2015, Tolède, Spain. pp.556-559, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-24258-3_58⟩. <hal-01646708> |
[92] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Modèles de jeux sérieux collaboratifs et mobiles. Conférence Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, EIAH, Jun 2015, Agadir, Maroc. pp.306-311. <hal-01167551> |
[93] | Aous Karoui, Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Eléments pour la conception de Jeux Educatifs sur Mobile. 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Jun 2015, Agadir, Maroc. pp.312-323. <hal-01405960> |
[94] | Aicha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Chihab Cherkaoui, Sébastien George, Driss Mammass. MOOC : Assister les enseignants dans l'intégration des ressorts de motivation dans les scénarios pédagogiques. 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Jun 2015, Agadir, Maroc. pp.450-452. <hal-01405988> |
[95] | Mohammed Tadlaoui, Sébastien George, Karim Sehaba. Approche pour la recommandation de ressources pédagogiques basée sur les liens sociaux. 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Jun 2015, Agadir, Maroc. pp.192-203. <hal-01405948> |
[96] | Guillaume Loup, Sébastien George, Audrey Serna. Fondements et caractérisation des jeux épistémiques numériques pervasifs. 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Jun 2015, Agadir, Maroc. pp.41-52. <hal-01405931> |
[97] | Baptiste Monterrat, Michel Desmarais, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. A Player Model for Adaptive Gamification in Learning Environments. AIED 2015, Jun 2015, Madrid, Spain. pp. 297-306. <hal-01165497> |
[98] | Baptiste Monterrat, Michel Desmarais, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. Modèle de joueur pour la ludification adaptative d'une plateforme d'apprentissage. EIAH 2015, Sébastien George, Gaëlle Molinari, Jun 2015, Agadir, Maroc. pp. 348-359. <hal-01165489> |
[99] | Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba, Sébastien George. Recommendation of Learning Resources Based on Social Relations. CSEDU 2015 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.425-432, ⟨10.5220/0005452304250432⟩. <hal-01205730> |
[100] | Sébastien George, Gaëlle Molinari, Chihab Cherkaoui, Driss Mammass, Lahcen Oubahssi (Dir.). Actes de la 7ème conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain. 468 p., 2015, ISBN 978-2-9552774-0-9. <hal-01433193> |
[101] | Lili Tong, Audrey Serna, Sébastien George, Aurélien Tabard, Gilles Brochet. Interactive Surface Composition Based on Arduino in Multi-Display Environments. the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, Nov 2014, Dresden, Germany. pp.369-374, ⟨10.1145/2669485.2669548⟩. <hal-01313181> |
[102] | Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba, Sébastien George. Recommandation de ressources pédagogiques dans les réseaux sociaux en ligne. Journée Scientifique "Systèmes de recommandation et réseaux sociaux", Oct 2014, Chambéry, France. 2014. <hal-01283753> |
[103] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George, Franck Tarpin-Bernard. Evaluating Learning Games during their Conception. European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL, Oct 2014, Berlin, Germany. <hal-01079601> |
[104] | Min Ji, Christine Michel, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. DDART: An awareness system to favor reflection during project-based learning. 4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2014) in conjunction with the 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2014), Sep 2014, Graz, Austria. pp.81-83. <hal-01134626> |
[105] | Min Ji, Christine Michel, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. DDART, a Dynamic Dashboard for Collection, Analysis and Visualization of Activity and Reporting Traces. 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2014), Graz, Austria, 16-19 September 2014, Sep 2014, Graz, Austria. pp.440-445, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-11200-8_39⟩. <hal-01130922> |
[106] | Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. A Framework to Adapt Gamification in Learning Environments. 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2014), Sep 2014, Graz, Austria. pp.578-579. <hal-01130795> |
[107] | Sébastien George, Christine Michel, Audrey Serna, Luca Bisognin. Évaluation de l’impact d’un jeu sérieux en réalité mixte. STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), 2014, 21, pp.589-614. <hal-01313165> |
[108] | Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. Vers une ludification personnalisée dans une plateforme d’Ancrage Mémoriel®. Atelier "Serious games, jeux épistémiques numériques", 6ème Conférence Nationale sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2013), May 2014, Toulouse, France. pp.19-23. <hal-01134690> |
[109] | Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George. Motivation for Learning: Adaptive Gamification for Web-based Learning Environments. 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2014), Apr 2014, Barcelona, Spain. pp.117-125. <hal-01130791> |
[110] | Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Sébastien George. Supporting Teachers to Design and Use Mobile Collaborative Learning Games. International Conference on Mobile Learning, Feb 2014, Madrid, Spain. pp.3-10. <hal-00957625> |
[111] | Pierre-André Caron, Sébastien George, Julian Alvarez. Introduction au numéro spécial « Évaluation dans les jeux sérieux ». STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), 21 (2), pp.421-429, 2014. <hal-04688255> |
[112] | Sébastien George. Enseignant à l’heure du numérique : rôles et instrumentation. Conférence invitée au colloque JOCAIR (Journées Communication et Apprentissage Instrumentés en Réseau), 2014, Paris, France. <hal-01433252> |
[113] | Pierre-André Caron, Sébastien George, Julian Alvarez. Évaluation dans le jeux sérieux, Numéro spécial de la revue STICEF. 2014. <hal-04705255> |
[114] | Mathieu Loiseau, Elise Lavoué, Jean-Charles Marty, Sébastien George. A Multiplayer Learning Game based on Mixed Reality to Enhance Awareness on Archaeology. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 2014, 1 (3), e3. 14 p. ⟨10.4108/sg.1.3.e3⟩. <hal-01130945> |
[115] | Madeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt. TrAVis to Enhance Students' Self-Monitoring in Online Learning Supported by Computer-Mediated Communication Tools. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 2011, 3, pp.623-634. <hal-01433501> |
[116] | Sébastien George, Aina Lekira. Contextual Learning and Communications in Mobile Situations. International Journal of Information Sciences for Decision Making, 2009, 39, pp.372-383. <hal-01433935> |
[117] | Madeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt. Building Intelligent Web-based System for Efficiently Tracking Learner’s Communication Activities on Discussion Forum. 4th IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IEEE Ino), 2007, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. pp.148--152. <hal-01434106> |
[118] | Madeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt. Traçage des forums électroniques : réflexion et proposition. Actes de la National Conference on Learning Through Online Exchanges: Tools, Tasks, Interactions, Multimodality, Corpora (EPAL 2007), 2007, Grenoble, France. <hal-01434064> |
[119] | Madeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt. Tracking, Analyzing, and Visualizing Learners’ Activities on Discussion Forum. ASTED International Conference on Web-based Education (IASTED WBE), 2007, Chamonix, France. pp.649--656. <hal-01434063> |
[120] | Jean-Michel Adam, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Amel Bouzeghoub, Pierre-Andre Caron, Thibault Carron, et al.. Contributions de l'Action Spécifique "Conception d'une Plateforme pour la recherche en EIAH" à l'ingénierie des Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain.. STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), 2005, 12, pp.343-360. <hal-00696401> |
[121] | Pascal Leroux, Jean-Luc Montflier, Sylvain Guyon, Michel Jambu, Christophe Després, et al.. Démarche de projet, micro-robots modulaires et logiciel d'apprentissage dans le cadre de l'enseignement des systèmes automatisés au collège. Vermillon et al. Produire en technologie à l'école et au collège, INRP, pp.117-168, 2005, Didactiques, Apprentissage, enseignements, 2-7342-1021-5. <hal-00385778> |
[122] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Un environnement informatique de support à une pédagogie de projet dans un contexte d'apprentissage à distance en robotique pédagogique. Taurisson A. and Senteni A. Pédagogies.net, 328, Presses de l'Université du Québec, pp.73-102, 2003, 2-7605-1227-4. <hal-01434540> |
[123] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Un environnement pédagogique dédié aux projets collectifs à distance intégrant une assistance aux apprenants et au chef de projet. Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Enseignements d'ingénieurs et dans l'industrie, Nov 2002, Villeurbanne, France. pp.289-295. <edutice-00000667> |
[124] | Sébastien George, Richard Hotte, J. Contamines. Nouveaux modèles de forums pour la formation en ligne. Colloque du CIRTA 2002 "Les multiples facettes du téléapprentissage", 2002, Québec, Canada. <hal-01434610> |
[125] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. An approach to automatic analysis of learners' social behavior during computer-mediated synchronous conversations. Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS'02, 2002, Biarritz, France. pp.630-640. <hal-01452696> |
[126] | J. Contamines, Sébastien George, Richard Hotte. Développement d'un point de vue instrumental sur la réalisation de banques de ressources pédagogiques. Colloque du CIRTA "Les multiples facettes du téléapprentissage", 2002, Québec, Canada. <hal-01434615> |
[127] | Richard Hotte, J. Contamines, Sébastien George. Des outils spécialisés pour une activité située: Problème de méthodologie. Colloque du CIRTA "Les multiples facettes du téléapprentissage", 2002, Québec, Canada. <hal-01434612> |
[128] | Sébastien George. SPLACH: a Computer Environment Supporting Distance Project-Based Learning. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications ED-MEDIA 2002, 2002, Denver (USA), Unknown Region. <hal-01434576> |
[129] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Documents et espaces de communication numériques dans un environnement support de projets entre apprenants. Document numérique - Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information. Série Document numérique, 2002, 5 (3-4), p. 65-84. <hal-00298234> |
[130] | Christophe Després, Sébastien George. Supporting learners' activities in a distance learning environment. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, 2001, 11 (3), pp.261--272. <hal-01434635> |
[131] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Un environnement support de projets collectifs entre apprenants : SPLACH. Actes des sixièmes journées francophones Environnements Interactifs d'Apprentissage avec Ordinateur (EIAO'2001), 2001, Paris, France. pp.49-60. <hal-01434661> |
[132] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Project-Based Learning as a Basis for a CSCL Environment: an Example in Educational Robotics. First European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Euro-CSCL 2001), 2001, Maastricht (Netherland), Unknown Region. pp.269-276. <hal-01434649> |
[133] | Sébastien George, P. Leroux. Pédagogie de projet à distance avec des collégiens dans le cadre d'un concours de robotique. 2001. <hal-01452697> |
[134] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Une approche automatique pour l'analyse automatique de comportements sociaux d'apprenants lors de conversations synchrones médiatisées. Coopération Innovation & Technologies (CITE 2001), 2001, Troyes, France. pp.171-186. <hal-01434657> |
[135] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux. Computer-Supported Project Pedagogy in a Distributed Collaborative Learning Environment. AIED'99, 1999, Le Mans, France. pp.679-681. <hal-01434706> |
[136] | Sébastien George. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Educational Robotics. Workshop 4: Educational Robotics, International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1999, Le Mans, France. pp.57--66. <hal-01434708> |
[137] | Christophe Després, Sébastien George. Computer-Supported Distance Learning : An Example in Educational Robotics. Ninth International PEG Conference, 1999, Exeter (England), Unknown Region. pp.344--353. <hal-01434703> |
[138] | Sébastien George, Christophe Després. A Multi-Agent System for Distance Support in Educationnal Robotics. Telecommunications for Education and Training, 1999, Gjøvik, Norway. pp.311--318. <hal-01452698> |
[139] | Sébastien George, Pascal Leroux, Martial Vivet. Computer Aided Learning in Industrial Machine Scheduling. CAAE'97, 1997, Kraków, Poland. pp.70-77. <hal-01437203> |