
Polysemic Embeddings for Industry (PolysEmY)Date: 01/2020 – 07/2021Funding: RFI AltanStic 2020Call: Partners: SNCF (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/polysemyLIUM Participant(s): Nathalie CamelinNicolas DuguéJane WottawaGaëtan CaillautThe lexical resources of SNCF’s technical documentation testify to the richness and specificities of the business vocabulary used within companies such as SNCF. This vocabulary is sometimes uncommon in corpuses, but according to experts, it […]


Clustering and Classification on a Corpus in Specialty Language (C3LS)Date: 11/2017 – 10/2019Funding: AutresCall: SNCFPartners: SNCF (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/c3lsLIUM Participant(s): Nathalie CamelinNicolas DuguéThe SNCF group is currently undergoing a digital transformation and is increasingly turning to technologies that could use Natural Language Processing (NLP). Business documentation is currently undergoing a major transformation, with businesses that are […]


Outils Neuronaux End-to-End pour la TRAduction des Communications (ON-TRAC)Date: 01/2019 – 03/2023Funding: ANRCall: GenericPartners: LIA (Avignon) (France), LIG (Grenoble) (France), Airbus (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/on-trac/LIUM Participant(s): Fethi BougaresAntoine LaurentAnthony LarcherLoïc BarraultThe ON-TRAC project proposes to radically change the architectures currently used in speech translation. It is based on end-to-end neural models for machine translation and is particularly […]


Pluridisciplinary Research Organization for e-learning (ORPHEE)Date: 12/2014 – 12/2017Funding: ANRCall: Partners: Université Paris 6, Université Lyon 3, Université de Savoie, Université de Fribourg, Université de Genève, Université de Grenoble, Telecom BretagneURL: http://atief.fr/content/bienvenue-sur-le-r%C3%A9seau-orphee-de-la-e-educationLIUM Participant(s): Sébastien GeorgeSébastien IksalIza MarfisiClaudine Piau-ToffolonThe Orphée Network aims at structuring Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) stakeholders communities (industry with special focus on SMEs, providers, […]


Virtual Environment for Animal experimentation (VEA)Date: 01/2019 – 12/2020Funding: AutresCall: Appel à projets de recherche – IUT de Laval – 2019Partners: Département GB – IUT de LAVALURL: http://perso.univ-lemans.fr/~loubah/Projets.htmlLIUM Participant(s): Lahcen Oubahssi La réalité virtuelle permet d’offrir de nouvelles expériences aux utilisateurs grâce à des possibilités d’interaction et d’immersion toujours plus performantes. Ces possibilités trouvent un […]


Helping teachers create custom Learning Games for their courses (Ludifik’action)Date: 01/2017 – 01/2025Funding: AutresCall: financement prix PEPS 2018Partners: UBLURL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Fiche-Formation_Ludifik-action_10-07-2023.pdfLIUM Participant(s): Iza MarfisiSébastien GeorgeBertrand Marne Ludifik’action professional training course given by the LIUM researchers The use of Learning Games (Serious Games) has never been higher. In parallel to popular digital Learning Games, which show great […]


DEEP-PRIVACYDate: 01/2019 – 12/2022Funding: ANRCall: genericPartners: Multispeech (France), LIA (France), Magnet (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/deep-privacy/LIUM Participant(s): Anthony LarcherAntoine LaurentMarie TahonPierre ChampionDEEP-PRIVACY proposes a new paradigm based on a distributed, personalized, and privacy-preserving approach for speech processing, with a focus on machine learning algorithms for speech recognition. To this end, we propose to rely on a hybrid approach: […]


Evaluation, training and certification plan for improving the writing and reading skills in French (écri+)Date: 04/2018 – 03/2028Funding: PIA (Programme Investissements d’Avenir)Call: Nouveaux Cursus à l’Université (NCU)Partners: Université Paris Nanterre (France), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France), Université de Caen Normandie (France), Le Mans Université (France), Université Grenoble Alpes (France), Université […]


SIMPÆXDate: 02/2018 – 09/2020Funding: RFI AltanStic 2020Call: Amorçage, Défis scientifique 2017URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/simpaex/LIUM Participant(s): Marie TahonThe SIMPÆX project aims at the automatic segmentation and identification of expressive styles and speakers in a speech corpus. Indeed the extraction of features concerning the speaker, his emotional state and the social context, offers very relevant clues for various applications […]


NéoDate: 02/2018 – 01/2020Funding: RFI AltanStic 2020Call: Amorçage, Défis scientifique 2017Partners: Laboratoire ERIC (France), CRTT (France)URL: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/en/neo/LIUM Participant(s): Nicolas DuguéNathalie CamelinNeo is an interdisciplinary digital humanities research project aiming at the semi-automatic detection and analysis of contemporary neology. It results from the convergence of new language practices of the modern web (creation of new words […]