Project List


1 - Multilingual Multimodal Voice Translation - Expressive (TV2M-E)

2 - Thinking Franco-German relations (PereFRALL)

3 - Projet Groupe Numérique Thématique Forges (GTnum FORGES)

4 - Atelier « Libérer les EIAH grâce aux communs et aux Logiciels Libres » (Atelier « Libérer les EIAH grâce aux communs et aux Logiciels Libres »)

5 - Plateforme virtuelle pour l'expérimentation animale (Virtual 3R)

6 - Online Multilingual Communication Support Platform (COMMUTE)

7 - Virtual Environment for the Assistance in Learning of Odontology Gestures (EVAGO)

8 - Dynamic and Interpretable Graph-based word embeddINGs (DIGING)

9 - Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality Authoring Tools for teachers (MIXAP)

10 - An analysis and design framework about adaptable learning&gamified activities, and about the design of adaptive generators of exercices - Application to the learning of multiplication tables (AdapTABLES)

11 - Study of Mobile Augmented Reality for Teaching Fractions (SMART-Fractions)

12 - Enhancing Situated learning with collaborative Games and Mixed reality (SituLearn)

13 - Diagnostic automatique des erreurs des systèmes de transcription de parole end-to-end à partir de leur réception par les utilisateurs (DIETS)

14 - Exchanges for SPEech ReseArch aNd TechnOlogies (ESPERANTO)

15 - SpeechBrain (SpeechBrain)

16 - Gender Equality Monitor (GEM)

17 - CapDiff (CapDiff)

18 - A​rtificial ​I​ntelligence for ​S​emantically controlled ​SPE​ech Unde​R​standing (AISSPER)

19 - End-To-end Evolutive Neural Networks for Speaker Recognition (EXTENSOR)

20 - Fine analysis of opinions in corpuses of Customer Satisfaction (ASSC)

21 - Polysemic Embeddings for Industry (PolysEmY)

22 - Clustering and Classification on a Corpus in Specialty Language (C3LS)

23 - Outils Neuronaux End-to-End pour la TRAduction des Communications (ON-TRAC)

24 - Pluridisciplinary Research Organization for e-learning (ORPHEE)

25 - Virtual Environment for Animal experimentation (VEA)

26 - Helping teachers create custom Learning Games for their courses (Ludifik’action)


28 - Evaluation, training and certification plan for improving the writing and reading skills in French (écri+)


30 - Néo

31 - News.bridge

32 - Autonomous Lifelong Learning IntelligEnt Systems (ALLIES)

33 - Deep neural networks for oral and written language processing (RAPACE)

34 - Transdisciplinary Analysis of French Newsreels (1945-1969) (Antract)

35 - Escape it!



38 - Simulation for training on emotions (TGRIS)

39 - Blackcompass

40 - A collaborative game to Learn the Basics of Computer Programming by manipulating Tangible Objects on an Interactive Table or on a Tablet (TurtleTablet)

41 - Interactive, Fun and Educational Plant Recognition on Smartphones (ReVeRIES)

42 - Designing a VR environment supporting the learning of emotions mimicry for children with ASD (EmoTED)

43 - Multilingual Multimodal Continuous Representation for Human Language Understanding (M2CR)

44 - JOKe and Empathy of a Robot/ECA: Towards social and affective relations with a robot (JOKER)

45 - Human obervatory based-on e-learning traces (HUBBLE)

46 - Digital Epistemic Game Lab (JEN.lab)

47 - Event Understanding through Multimodal Social (EUMSSI)

48 - AdVanced ERror Analysis for speech recognition (VERA)

49 - ARVAD

50 - Specification of GRAPHIcal Visual Instructional Design Languages centered on LMS languages and directed towards Teachers-designers needs and practices (GraphiT)


Software & Corpus List


PhD & HDR List


1 - Optimizing Human Intervention for Synthetic Speech Quality Evaluation: Active Learning for Adaptability

2 - Quantitative analysis of opposition to transition technologies on social networks

3 - Promoting the appropriation of serious games by teachers, through a metadesign approach, based on open-source software

4 - Interpretability of pre-trained models for automatic speech processing

5 - Enriched end-to-end approach with variable complexity for speech-to-text

6 - Modèles, méthodes et outils afin de produire des Ressources Pédagogiques Virtuelles (RPV) pour l’apprentissage de gestes techniques et professionnels

7 - Analysis and automatic evaluation of the dental surgery gesture in a virtual training environment

8 - Khmer Misspelling Correction Model with Deep Learning Approach to Improve Khmer Typing Accuracy in Educational Context

9 - Resource-constrained multilingual speech translation

10 - Interpretability of embeddings

11 - Model and tool to assist the scenarisation of VR-oriented pedagogical activities

12 - Conception d’environnements éducatifs en Réalité Mixte pour aider à surmonter des obstacles didactiques : application à l’enseignement des fractions

13 - Innovative Interactions for collaboratif situated learning

14 - Guided design and generation of adaptable playful learning activities

15 - Active learning, interpretation and control for neural synthesis of expressive speech

16 - Proposal of an approach for capitalizing on indicators dedicated to a study of the impact of the system for improving the French language, écri+.

17 - automatic speech processing in meetings using microphone array

18 - Temporal word embeddings: neologisms, gender bias, corpus of French news

19 - Artificial Intelligence for a semantically controlled speech understanding

20 - Extraction of end-to-end semantic information from audio signal

21 - Teaching Analytics: support for assessment and pedagogical design assistance using artificial intelligence.

22 - Privacy preserving and personalized transformations for speech recognition

23 - Analysis and countermeasures of identity theft fraud in behavioural biometric systems

24 - Modeling and analysis of motions and technical gestures in virtual environment for learning and training

25 - Autonomous lifelong learning intelligent systems

26 - Massive and real-time data analysis in order to extract semantic and emotional information from speech

27 - Neural approaches for abstractive text summarization

28 - Deep neural networks for oral and written language processing

29 - Visualization of the collaborative dynamics of learners in the MOOCs context

30 - Pattern-based virtual learning object platform : a new solution to facilitate the design and operationalization of pedagogical simulations in VRLE

31 - Towards a hybrid approach for Arabic Sentiment Analysis

32 - Thematic segmentation of automatic transcriptions and enrichment of educational documents in a lecture context

33 - Design and evaluation of educational virtual environments: application to vocational training

34 - Speaker recognition on large scale in audiovisual media, in interaction with human annotator

35 - Variable context modeling for speaker recognition

36 - Uninterrupted design process of innovative computer-based tools : application to automatic transcription in technology enhanced learning environments

37 - A multimodal interactive augmented reality system aware of context. (Toward a human-machine symbiosis)

38 - Multilingual Neural Architectures for Natural Language Processing

39 - Joint, fast, and effective building of multilingual systems for speech recognition and synthesis

40 - Learning and applications of distributed multilingual representations

41 - Spoken Language Understanding for human-computer interaction

42 - Design of dynamic, adaptative and context-sensitive TEL dashboards

43 - Automatic Analysis of Human Motion Data in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments

44 - Speaker adaptation of deep neural network acoustic models using Gaussian mixture model framework in automatic speech recognition systems.

45 - Factored Neural Machine Translation

46 - Design and development of immersive interactions for serious games

47 - Assister les enseignants dans le processus de scénarisation pédagogique des MOOCs.

48 - Event Understanding through Multimodal Social Stream Interpretation

49 - Analyse en locuteurs de collections de documents multimédia.

50 - Jeux Éducatifs Mobiles : JEM iNVENTOR, un outil auteur fondé sur une approche de conception gigogne

51 - Assistance à la réutilisation de scénarios d’apprentissage : une approche guidée par l’évaluation du contexte d’usage à base d’indicateurs

52 - Multimodal Neural Machine Translation

53 - Composition et transformation de modèles pour la spécification de langages graphiques de conception pédagogique centrés plate-formes de formation

54 - Automatic structuring of audio documents


Defense List


Seminar List


1 - Towards interpretable representations for audio and speech processing

2 - Information Extraction and Analysis from News videos

3 - The Limits of Speech Systems: Navigating Adversarial and Poisoning Threats with Robust Defenses

4 - TTS for low resource languages, dialects and accents

5 - Analysing and quantifying gendered representations in the audiovisual media: five years of interaction between research, political players and the general public

6 - From document to program embeddings: can distributional hypothesis really be used on programming languages?

7 - Lightweight CNNs for Face Recognition Applications

8 - Séminaire de Lamia TRIQUI sur l'automatisation intelligente dans les usines

9 - Trustworthy, explainable, interpretable… what can we expect for speech processing?

10 - Enriching acoustic representation for low resource languages

11 - Extend self supervised representation models with features engineering for NLP of African Languages

12 - How to use multilingual embeddings for LRL(Low resources Languages)

13 - Prosody seen from the angle of semantic relations: the case of the imitative voice of words

14 - Robustness of speaker recognition systems: additive noise, reverberation, and linguistic content variabilities

15 - Automatic translation of speech into pictograms to facilitate communication for people with language disabilities

16 - To [h] or not to [h]? L2 production of /h/ in semi-spontaneous speech by French leaners of English and of German.

17 - Emmanuel Blanchard's Reserach work presentation

18 - Seminar of Jeffrey Wiseman on innovation in medical edication

19 - Automatic annotation and classification of terminality for the description of interruptions in audiovisual media content

20 - When neural speech technologies encounter non-conventional data: A discussion on speech recognition and speech synthesis

21 - Presentation of Raquel COELHO on AI for Education

22 - Overview of speech-related topics at ADASP (Télécom Paris) and overseas

23 - LST-Days

24 - Perception of speech and music through a cochlear implant or simulations of cochlear implants (channel vocoders): Principles of operation, sound illustrations and perceptual data

25 - Séminaire de Benjamin GEORGES sur l'IA pour la reconnaissance d'objet automatique

26 - Prosody of Nigerian pidgin: corpus approach and experimental validation with a text-to-speech system

27 - Séminaire d'Anne DASTUGUE sur la naissance du flow VR

28 - Co-designing intelligent systems that can enrich inclusive pictorial communication

29 - CI/CD, DevOps and Containers: A Winning Trio

30 - DEFT 2023 & Blizzard 2023

31 - ON-TRAC consortium systems for the IWSLT 2023 dialectal and low-resource speech translation tasks

32 - Sparser is better: one step closer to word embedding interpretability

33 - Automatic translation for the Ewondo language, Automatic speech recognition for the Ewondo language

34 - Séminaire de Damien BRUN sur les Interfaces Humain-Machine

35 - Qualitative Evaluation of Language Model Rescoring in Automatic Speech Recognition

36 - Report on the "Jean Zay" training course

37 - Anticipation of end of speech turn for interruption detection

38 - End-to-end model for named entity recognition from speech without paired training data

39 - Presentation on the preregistration method for sientific experimentations

40 - Extension of the bandwidth for voice signals captured by noise-proof microphones

41 - Séminaire de Jérome LEHUEN

42 - ASR-Generated Text for Language Model Pre-training Applied to Speech Tasks / Overlapped speech and gender detection with WavLM pre-trained features

43 - Apprentissage de représentations pour l'enseignement de la programmation

44 - Evaluation of weakly-supervised methods for aspect extraction

45 - Am I collaborating well? Towards Automatic Collaboration Quality Detection Using Speech and Network Analytics.

46 - Overlapping speech and gender, a study of annotations for audiovisual media.

47 - Trees, knights and puppets: transfer learning for processing of historical languages

48 - Quality Estimation: Application to Machine Translation

49 - Les Actualités Françaises (1945-1969): the cinema of the event.

50 - Multimodal Reasoning: Datasets, Models, and even some commonsense?

51 - Quelle sera la place future de la Réalité Etendue dans la collaboration et l’apprentissage ?

52 - Privacy-Preserving Speech Representation Learning using Vector Quantization

53 - Summarising Historical Text in Modern Languages

54 - Extending the study of speech accommodation: the relationship between hypospeech and speakers’ social proximity.

55 - Research Careers

56 - Non-Parametric Subspace Models for Acoustic Units Discovery

57 - How the research works

58 - Conférence de Cendrine MERCIER, CREN

59 - LST day

60 - A recommendation approach based on data mining and multi-layer labeled graphs.

61 - Les algorithmes font-ils la loi ?

62 - The protection of personal data in the era of the RGPD

63 - Explicability and Interpretability of AI models: concepts, approaches and adaptability to the domain of speech processing

64 - Joint effort on data loading process and its application to VAD, speaker turn detection and overlap detection

65 - Human assisted speaker diarization, approach and demonstrator

66 - End2End Acoustic to Semantic Transduction

67 - SINr: fast computing of Sparse Interpretable Node Representations is not a sin!

68 - MiniBERT: a simple and explainable BERT model

69 - Multilingual neural architectures for natural language processing

70 - Are learning analytics doomed to failure?


Job offer List


1 - Investigating Audio-Visual DeepFakes Detection

2 - List of Master 2 research internships

3 - Offre de stage M1 ou M2 : Étude des différences visuo-motrices entre experts et novices en escalade avec des technologies d’eye-tracking et de Réalité Virtuelle

4 - Offre de stage M2 : Éditeur de retours pédagogiques en réalité augmentée pour l’apprentissage de gestes techniques

5 - Machine Learning for Acoustic-Based Keystroke Recognition: A Study on Security Vulnerabilities

6 - Constructing Sound Zones using machine learning on a large dataset

7 - Studies of automatic voice translation systems

8 - Optimizing Human Intervention for Synthetic Speech Quality Evaluation: Active Learning for Adaptability

9 - Post-doctoral contract: Interpretable transformers

10 - Evaluation of speech synthesis systems in a noisy environment

11 - Artificial Intelligence for extracting semantic information from speech

12 - Predictive Modeling of Subjective Disagreement in Speech Annotation/Evaluation

13 - Perti'SAM - Design and development of a web application for decision support during prescription appropriateness reviews to limit iatrogenic drug use

14 - Multi-modal characterisation of clarinet reeds

15 - Interpretability of pre-trained models for automatic speech processing

16 - Post-doctoral contract: Multilingual speech translation under resource constraints

17 - offre de thèse : Favoriser l’appropriation des jeux sérieux par les enseignant⋅es au moyen d’une démarche méta-design fondée sur des Logiciels Libres

18 - Poste de Maître de Conférences LIUM, équipe EIAH - IUT de Laval, département MMI

19 - Offre de Post-doc : PROtotypage Rapide des Environnements Virtuels pour l’apprentissage et l'évaluation des Gestes Techniques (PROREV-GT)

20 - Use program embeddings to help learners

21 - Speech emotion classification using regression model on dimensional representation

22 - Continuous learning for objective evaluation of synthetic speech

23 - Postdoctoral fellowship in automatic speech translation

24 - Stage Sciences de l'éducation sur la Realité Augmentée en classe

25 - Tenure track AI

26 - Nous recrutons un Post-Doc en SHS avec le CREN

27 - poste de Maître de Conférences en informatique (section 27) IUT de Laval

28 - Deep learning for digital holography

29 - Stage de M2 ou 3éme année école Ingénieur - Analyse Automatique du MOuvement Capturé en situation d’Apprentissage (AMOCA)

30 - Design and Development of Authoring Tools that Enable Teachers to Create their Custom Extended Reality Applications

31 - List of Master 2 research internships

32 - Modèle d’objets virtuels pour assister la scénarisation des activités pédagogiques orientées RV

33 - Contribution à l’Analyse Automatique du MOuvement Capturé en situation d’Apprentissage (CA2MOC)

34 - Open PhD position: project DIETS (Automatic diagnosis of errors of end-to-end speech transcription systems from users perspective)

35 - Active learning, interpretation and control for neural synthesis of expressive speech

36 - Thèse de doctorat informatique sur le Réalité Augmentée

37 - Stage de M2 informatique pour développer une forme innovante de Réalité Augmentée

38 - PhD: Proposition d’une approche de capitalisation d’indicateurs dédiés à une étude d’impact du dispositif d’amélioration du français écri+.

39 - PhD: Enriching an active pedagogy with augmented reality techniques

40 - PhD: Active learning, interpretation and control for neural synthesis of expressive speech

41 - PhD: Extraction of end-to-end semantic information from an audio signal

42 - PhD: Temporal word embeddings: neologisms, gender bias, corpus of French news

43 - PhD: Artificial Intelligence for a semantically controlled speech understanding

44 - List of Master 2 research internships

45 - Postdoctoral position: Evolutive end-to-end neural networks for speaker recognition

46 - Postdoctoral position: Development of autonomous systems

47 - Modèle d’objet virtuel pour assister la scénarisation des activités pédagogiques orientées RV

48 - Système de SRL neuronal vs Système de SRL gaussien

49 - Proposer une approche de capitalisation d’indicateurs dédiés à une étude d’impact du dispositif écri+

50 - Supervision distante d’un système de transcription automatique de la parole

51 - Voice Biometrics: from audio signal to person's identity

52 - Generation of fun learning activities adapted to the learners' player profile

53 - Design and implementation of a language of adaptation rules for serious games

54 - Develop a module for evaluating the control of the surgical procedure in a dental training simulator

55 - A graph/complex network approach to model the meaning of words

56 - Polysemic embeddings

57 - Offre de thèse : apprentissage de représentations continues dans des corpus en langue spécialisée.

58 - Offre de thèse : génération d'activités ludiques et d'apprentissage, adaptées à l’utilisateur, sur la base d’opérations et d’actions finalisées : une approche ascendante de conception pour l’adaptation.

59 - Offre de thèse : outil auteur pour des applications pédagogiques en réalité augmentée.

60 - Offre de thèse : conception d’indicateurs contextuels sur dispositifs mobiles pour favoriser le suivi des formations et la réflexivité.

61 - Offre de thèse : teaching analytics : support à l’évaluation et l’assistance à la conception pédagogique par l’intelligence artificielle.

62 - Offre de thèse : apprentissage actif pour la création de voix de synthèse expressive à partir de données massives.

63 - Post-doctorat / Ingénieur de recherche

64 - IT Lecturer

65 - Thèse dans l'équipe LST - Segmentation et identification automatique en locuteur pour la création de voix de synthèse à partir de données massives

66 - Thèse dans l'équipe LST - Apprentissage de représentations continues dans des corpus en langue spécialisée

67 - Thèse dans l'équipe LST - Traduction Automatique Neuronale Non-Supervisée

68 - PhD thesis in the IEIAH team - Authoring Tool for Teaching with Augmented Reality

69 - Thèse dans l'équipe IEIAH - Modélisation et analyse de l’activité, en environnement virtuel pour l’apprentissage humain, à partir des séries temporelles


Event List


News List


1 - international day to raise girls' awareness of scientific and technical careers

2 - Wielfrid MORIE wins the Louis D’Hainaut 2024 prize

3 - Best paper international conference Mobile Learning

4 - Schoolgirls discover IT professions

5 - le LIUM gagne le Trophées du Campus de l’Innovation d’Angers - Le Mans – Prix Transition

6 - Meeting between middle school girls and computer science students

7 - Art and AI

8 - Le LIUM mis à l'honneur par le Mans Innovation

9 - SituLearn dans le courrier de la Mayenne

10 - Innovation pédagogique : le LIUM reçoit un prix international !

11 - Best paper de la conférence internationale GALA

12 - The LIUM gets a new logo

13 - Groupe AEF info consacre une dépêche à la signature de la convention entre Le Mans Université et Réseau Canopé 📝

14 - le LIUM sera présent au Digital ON - le festival des cultures numériques

15 - Best poster at ECTEL 2022 conference

16 - dossier EdTech

17 - Risks of the digital and computer environment in education

18 - Artificial intelligence, risks and automatic speech transcription

19 - Researchers from LIUM participates to the JHU Summer School on Human Language Technology et au JSALT workshop

20 - Cycle de webinaires sur l'égalité filles-garçons

21 - "Girls, Maths and Computing: A Smart Equation" Day

22 - International day for Girls' Science and Technology Awareness

23 - Une nouvelle étoile montante à Le Mans Université

24 - Will living with intelligent machines make the world more fair?

25 - TurtleTablet wins the best Serious Game at the International ECGBL competition

26 - Inauguration du UserLab Distribué Pédagogique

27 - The LIUM Human Active Correction Platform for Speaker Diarization

28 - Best paper award for Thibault Prouteau at IDA

29 - PEPS 2018 Prize